Aurora Borealis make entire discography available for FREE!!

Cliff, I hear your jealousy pouring out through your words.

I know you are nothing more than a frustrated fan who just never could get an upstart in music or learn to play an instrument. One day maybe you can live vicariously through your children that is if you make it out of the basement and meet some real people. Or you can keep posting your thousands of yearly posts while continuing to get more over weight, pale and out of shape you fat slobbering piece of shit.

Oh that's right i forget you are a well respected high and mighty forum member, now go make those tacos for me BITCH.
Start with bacon lardons, and render out the fat. remove the bacon bits, and leave the fat.
Toss in a finely chopped onion, cumin, chilie powder, and if your doing hot peppers add them now too (I prefer them finely chopped, shouldn't matter though).
Now add 1lb ground beef, being sure to break apart the chunks. Cook it until most of the pink is gone (doesn't yet have to be 100% brown).

This next step is skippable, but I like to hit the pan with a doubleshot of tequila, which WILL flambe (explode). So be careful.

Now garlic, and two chopped tomatos, making sure to keep the tomato juice. If you have canned tomatos those will work, the juice of the tomato is actually what we want right now (will explain).

Cover the pan, and let it simmer for 20-30min. Someties I pop it in the oven at 300F, if someone wants to use the stove, same thing really though.

The liquid (tomato, lime, worcheskja) will make all your veg, and meat really soft. So now you just uncover, throw it on high heat, and reduce that liquid out. now would be a time to toss those bacon bits back in, or you can throw them in a salad or use them as taco toppings.

Just cook it untill the liquid evaportates, and you have a nice thick taco mix.

Right after you turn the heat off, add in chopped cilantro.

let cool for a little bit, then there you go. Add to tortillas, top with cheese, salsa, sour cream and guacamole.

The bacon is awesome, but you can skip all that and just use some olive oil.

Best post in the thread so far!

@the person trying to convince people that he's awesome: dude, you've been defeated. Lrn2dealwithit.
Leandro, what the hell are you talking about I started this post to to let people know about a free legal download. The only person i have been talking to is basically one guy. Cliff, But hey welcome to the party i would be more than happy to go a few rounds with you as well and get this post even more attention.
After all that was the whole goal.

I was not aware that i could be defeated on a internet forum. You people on this forum are insane. One guy is highly a respected member and one guy says i have been defeated. Guys this isnt the real world. I cannot be defeated nor can some idiot be highly respected on the COB forum.

Lets make this thread go on forever and stay right at the top.

I AM THE VICTOR!!!!!!!!!!

Once again, I never implied i was EVER on this board. I have never been here in my life prior to this posting.

You all must explain why do you come here if you don't like COB?

Why not frequent a band's forum that you all enjoy?
Sure they make enough to live but thats about it.

Courtney Love famously laid out the details of recording economics, where the label can make $11 million… and the actual artists make absolutely nothing.....the band may as well be working at a 7-Eleven.

Huge megastars like Lyle Lovett have pointed out that he sold 4.6 million records and never made a dime from album sales. It’s why the band 30 Seconds to Mars went platinum and sold 2 million records and never made a dime from album sales. You hear these stories quite often.

Why Even Major Label Musicians Rarely Make Money From Album Sales

You all must explain why do you come here if you don't like COB?

If you stick around you'll figure it out.

Personally, it's one of the few forums on the UM list that is 'alive' and it's unmoderated (to a degree) so there's a certain freedom to it.

I've seen just about everyone here flame everyone else and noobs get trolled hard, you are no outstanding exception.

Don't bother insulting others here ... you will not win.

There are also 3 bands called aurora borealis 2 of which are long long gone, so wrong again.

Why not get an original band name?

Inb4 'no access to Google 15 years ago'.

S Wow you are only the second one here to actually speak to me without insulting me so i thank you for that.

Nice article you posted about people making no money from labels. People are very often misconstrued about hat they think the band they enjoy actually make.

As far as winning or losing, this is amusing to me and it does get a ton of views so i may not be able to win but i really cannot lose either.

As far as the band name it was made over 15 years ago. I don't think there were any other bands around at that time and the internet was not what it is today so you could not just search out who had it and who didn't. I like it and it has been with me for some long i cant really change it now.
Wow you are only the second one here to actually speak to me without insulting me so i thank you for that.

I've been where you are :lol: A tip is to contribute to a forum and get to know a few people before spamming, the guitar players thread here is also a bit more serious, some members there rarely venture onto the board.

I've also been in a couple of bands, my current band, also independent and been around ~ 15 years.

As far as winning or losing, this is amusing to me and it does get a ton of views so i may not be able to win but i really cannot lose either.

I AM THE VICTOR!!!!!!!!!!

This is amusing to me. As for views, most are repeat views from the same people including yourself but I suppose you did get some advertising benefit, albeit very minor.

Cliff, I hear your jealousy pouring out through your words.

I know you are nothing more than a frustrated fan who just never could get an upstart in music or learn to play an instrument. One day maybe you can live vicariously through your children that is if you make it out of the basement and meet some real people. Or you can keep posting your thousands of yearly posts while continuing to get more over weight, pale and out of shape you fat slobbering piece of shit.

Jealousy of what :lol:
Your pretend paychecks? The gross groupies in their late 40s with un-even tit jobs looking to relive the 80s?
The praise from the unclean gorillas you call fans, that actually like that kind of music?

while continuing to get more over weight, pale and out of shape you fat slobbering piece of shit.

>Never seen a pic of me, assume I'm fat.

a few years too late on that buddy. :cool:

You assume way to much. Is this how you talk to your drummer?

COME BACK!!! we need you here to fuel the fire.

And for the record your taco recipe, not so good.

Sorry, I was off having sex. With girls that aren't 30 year old rocker burnouts like yourself, with saggy vaginas full of cigarette ash. Have you been sitting here this entire time waiting for my reply? You call this promotion? Work?

:lol: No wonder your band has gone nowhere.

If the tacos sucked its because you put about as much love and effort into them as you put into your music. My Tacos are bomb.
Cliff, you think you're the shit cuz you trash every fucking post? of course you're jealous, you're a fucking chef wannabe. what's gayer than that... oh and did you bang that ugly fuck paty before or after me?
I am a chef wannabe :lol: Its like calling a med-student a "doctor wannabe" as if its an insult. :lol:

At least I'm not a Ron Vento Wannabe :lol: One day you can clean floors and argue with the youth over the internet too!