Aurora Borealis make entire discography available for FREE!!

Cliff, Welcome back!!!

Glad to see you are still on your extended "lifelong" vacation.

Mamma must have put you to bed early last night. Thats Ok.
Yes I assume you are a fat, pale geek, who never leaves the basement. you have 10k posts on here and more than likely 10k on every other forum out there. You are a kid that sits at home and since you cannot do or accomplish anything in your life you like to go on the internet and critique or try and cause trouble for others. Very commin in kids like yourself. When and if you get some meaning in your life it will all stop.
Again great to see you back.

Snowy, that is Ok, i will take that critique of the vocals being annoying. I have no problem with real criticism.

S do you have a link for your band? I love checking out new stuff.
Listened to the previews on YT. Pretty good, though not really the style of music I usually listen to. Best of luck, though. Might forward this to a few friends of mine who may be more into that kind of stuff.

Cliff is a regular troll. Good job using that to keep the thread on the top of the forum, though.

Feel free to check out my Youtube stuff if you like, it's nothing special though, and I was only in a band for a short period of time. Music is a hobby not a career option for me, since both of my parents are professional classical musicians, and it's way more effort than I'm willing to put in.
No problem. A friend of mine has been trying to create and sustain an underground band for a while, so I know how it feels to want to get the word out.
>Calls me a fat pathetic basement dweller
>thanks crzy_aus for his input and comments

:lol: someone is not aware of his band's demographic.

That explains everything

Nice Signature :lol:

Dear Diary,
Current Mood: Butthurt
you like to go on the internet and critique or try and cause trouble for others. Very common in kids like yourself. When and if you get some meaning in your life it will all stop.

Unfortunately ......


Another tip: go to the UM search page

and run a search for words like 'promote' in 'titles only' to find 'Promote your band here' type threads.

^Hardly. OP's getting the thread views he wants, and Cliff is on a troll spree. Looks like a win-win to me.
Cliff, you think you're the shit cuz you trash every fucking post? of course you're jealous, you're a fucking chef wannabe. what's gayer than that... oh and did you bang that ugly fuck paty before or after me?

Heres the real kid in this thread, aurora anal.
^Hardly. OP's getting the thread views he wants, and Cliff is on a troll spree. Looks like a win-win to me.

wat? How many of you have listened to his music? It's not always like * the more people view the shit the more people know the shit*. I'm not starting to talk to my friends or people from university about this thread or his music so his fame didnt grow that much.
Wow, go to work for a few hours and BAM!!! Thread goes crazy.

You guys must really enjoy my conversation and the topic, otherwsie you would just let the thread die, for that I thank you. Especially Cliff.
wat? How many of you have listened to his music? It's not always like * the more people view the shit the more people know the shit*. I'm not starting to talk to my friends or people from university about this thread or his music so his fame didnt grow that much.

I know it isn't. But OP said he wants to keep the thread going so he's getting what he wants, hence win-win.

I listened to the stuff and some of it was pretty good, so w/e. Seriously though, this shit happens every time someone starts a new thread; the same stupid trollfest is only amusing that many times in a row *shrug*. I do also wonder though where people get the idea that COBOT is the best place to advertise their stuff. I mean seriously.
I actually post in a few forums with my music. Some are more embracing that others.

But you mentioned you wonder why someone posts here.
Let me address that.

COB is a rather large metal band. They are not quite mainstream but not quite underground. As I look at how many people visit the forum it is in the thousdands. So maybe 100 new people see the link and click on it, that is almost just as good as some news post in some little online web zine.
Most people that click the link wont even take the time to make a post, they will either like the music or not. That is good enough for me.

As i look at the top of the forum page, i actually see an ad for Pantene shampoo, The question is why are they advertising here? If pantene wants to advertise here surely another metal band can right?

Also I get to meet some decent people as well. I already have a few private messages from a couple people who have shared their bands with me. I like hearing new stuff. The trolls are not very bothersome, it is fun to get them going. I understand they are just bored kids, so the insults are nothing to even think twice about.
I did a little research about who earn on record sales. According to german federal association for music industrie, this is what everybody earn:

20% recording/promotion
19% trade
17% artist
16% sales tax
11% manufacturing/marketing
11% tax record label
6% overheads record label

So if you buy RRF on amazon for 17,99€ COB will get 2,88€ for each copy.
Arcane, How can that number be accurate when every band signs a unique deal.

Next as i have been saying all along, remember the band owes the label tons of cash, they must pay back any advance they got on recording and a COB record costs like 50k to make, now factor in the loan the label gives them for touring, merch prints etc. the labels just dont front the costs with no pay back.

If a band does earn the number you posted (Which is highly unlikely) they wont even begin to get that until costs are paid back, (Studio, Pressing, and Advertisements)
Do you guys not understand that? A Label does not mean free money, they are just a bank giving a loan.