Aurora Borealis make entire discography available for FREE!!

You could have left it at "check out our free discography!" but you had to get it to 6 pages of butthurtness, saying all labels are worthless, repeatedly calling others morons and bedroom kids, telling us how much money you make, etc. Well done. Now everybody thinks you're a "fag".
If I left it at that it would not have 850 views and be at the top of the thread page for 3 days now would it??

and for the record

labels are worthless,

The people I called morons and bedroom kids are just that.

My other question is if everyone here hates me so much who dont they let the thread just die?? They LOVE this thread so they keep coming back for more.

I am trolling the trolls.
Didn't you realize that those views are from those 10 people who posted here and that we just come back because it's amusing to read this shit and because of your butthurtness?

It's funny because you came here to promote your band and to share your albums for free with us, you thought that we all like COB and maybe that we like your band and give you some positiv feedback for your free downloads...

..Now see what happened :lol:
^^ Surely you realize how pathetic you sound? For someone who supposedly makes six figures a year from his studio and has a 15 year old band with an entire discography and yet has to resort to trolling in a place like this in order to promote his band, this is plain retarded. I hate to burst your bubble and bring your dreams of finally becoming known to a sad end, but you are the one being trolled here: The people who actually frequent this place on a regular basis don't give a shit about your band and keeping this thread active won't do you as much good as you obviously seem to think.
not only do the bands have to pay for recording costs, tour support, Advertisements etc etc.

They also pay for the stage they play on if it's unique and for warehouse storage when not in use.

When the record company takes a band out for a dinner to negotiate, the band pays for the limos, the executives overtime, accommodation, the meal, entertainment, etc.

I know of some bands where their live appearances are conditional, they have to hire or buy costumes and some have to hire limos to give the appearance they are rich.

Some contracts have bands bound to certain production companies (sometimes owned by the record company) to do their film clips and could have a minimum spend value on the clip to get it to TV quality. All the catering, dancers costumes, actors, location hire, etc. all paid for by the band.

Yep some bands get screwed royally and they have no choice to do things cheaper if it's a condition of their contract.

Many bands stay with lesser known record companies as it's better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond.

PS.. the videos of you in your bedroom in your moms house playing other peoples songs are fucking awesome.

I've seen many bedroom guitarists playing covers who put me to shame that's for sure. I applaud them for learning to play a real instrument and being good at it and supporting a music scene.

I don't look down on them at all for not joining a band or wanting to write music as long as they are happy, each to their own

Why is this guy so angry :lol: Arcane gives quite polite answers and this pussy just starts ranting.
That's what happens when he gets sand in his vagina.

The title of his band made me think it was going to be some gay 80's Flock of Seagulls type shit.

He must be upset that Arcane's gay CoB videos, that were apparently made in his moms house, have more views and sound better than his 15 year old original material.
He must be upset that Arcane's gay CoB videos, that were apparently made in his moms house, have more views and sound better than his 15 year old original material.
He's upset because of his wristbands, it's gotta be them!
what the fuck is this thread all about? I didn't even check the first page, plz tl;dr

And he thinks he's getting what he wants because this thread has a bunch of views now. Not realizing the views are the same people over and over again, not new people each time. So...yeah.

Like I said on the first page or so, Old people don't understand the internet.