Aurora Borealis make entire discography available for FREE!!

Even if it's 12,13,14% it is much more than what you've said. Then you missed the fact that besides the money artists get for cd copies they also get money for license-deals which is 50% in common.
"...COB record costs like 50k to make" < are you implying that the more famous a band is, the higher the record costs are?

And I think you haven't noticed yet that I was only talking about - all the time - what a band earns. How much they have to pay back is another thing.
A Band cannot "EARN" until they pay back what is owed.
A Licensing deal is also done through the label NOT through the band if they are on a label, so NO 50/50 is not true.

Yes the more famous a band is the more the cd usually costs to make. The label is usually willing to give them more to record since they know they will make it back. Good bands tend to spend a while in the studio making a good product which usually equals more money.

Do you think Metallica's label had an issue giving them $1 million to make their cd.
This makes no sense. It's not true that the more money a label pays for band to record something, the better the production will be. Why should Mercury (Universal) give Metallica 1 million to make a cd but COB "only" 50k for 1 album when the production of Bodoms new album is much better than the production of Death Magnetic?

Also, the lawsuit boils down to a distinction between selling "copies" of physical products such as CDs or vinyl recordings versus selling a "license" to reproduce the digital song data. Record labels actually ship physical product (principally CDs) to record stores; but in the case of iTunes it gets a license to replicate and distribute digital files. When the record labels sell "copies" of music, the artist typically receives a 10-15% royalty, but when the labels "license" the music to another entity, artists typically receives a 50% royalty.
I didnt say the album will sound better, I said the label is more willing to give them more money. Most good bands make a good product. In the situation of a metallica, i dont know what went wrong there but,
If you ask metallica, I am sure they think their albums sounds superb.
Some will complain about a COB production as well. It is all subjective. The point is a label will give more money to a band that sells, hence there is more to pay back. and again A BAND CANNOT EARN UNTIL THEY PAY WHAT IS OWED. No one ever seems to address that.

When a Band signes to a label they usually give the rights away of their music for a set period of time and at some point it will come back to the band. You are wrong when you say a band gets 50% royalty off the download. Especially if they are signed to a label. Have you signed a digital license deal through a label? I sure have and it did not work like that for either group from either label I was on. I sure know a ton of bands that would love to get that magic 50% you speak of.
A Band cannot "EARN" until they pay back what is owed.

Guys, guys, make your lives easier and make a distinction between "net" and "gross". The two of you are talking about completely different things.

Also I get to meet some decent people as well. I already have a few private messages from a couple people who have shared their bands with me. I like hearing new stuff. The trolls are not very bothersome, it is fun to get them going. I understand they are just bored kids, so the insults are nothing to even think twice about.

If you say so, I guess. I didn't realize anyone other than the some-20 regulars actually reads COBOT.
Wow, go to work for a few hours and BAM!!! Thread goes crazy.

You guys must really enjoy my conversation and the topic, otherwsie you would just let the thread die, for that I thank you. Especially Cliff.

Yeah I do, because I KNOW that you're pissed off, trying to cover that with "ironic" phrases and the repeating of the term "kids" (well, I enjoy being 20-some :fu: )
Aurora: Then I think you did something wrong.

I don't if you heard about the lawsuit between F.B.T. and Universal Music (according 2 of Eminems albums). Google it if you haven't.
Anyway, last month, the high court of USA affirm the right of F.B.T. and decided that digital music downloads are licences on master-recordings which means that artists receives a 50% royalty
I am talking NET, what a band has to live on at the end of the day.

Since you brought it up, not only do the bands have to pay for recording costs, tour support, Advertisements etc etc, but yeah lets include TAX they have to pay on the tiny amount they do actually earn at the end of day. In Europe TAX is not cheap.

Playing metal does not equal boat loads of money, unless you are Iron Maiden or Metallica or a few others. I know guys in MAJOR bands who deliver pizzas when they are not on tour. It is pathetic when untalented pop stars make what they do and great metal bands make nothing but I am just telling it like it is. Kids don't want to believe that because they strive to be like the bands they listen to and dont want to think about having to not play music for a living.

COB, if they are lucky have a place to live and some food to eat. This band is not raking it in guys.
I wish they were but no.
Snowy, if you really believe i am getting pissed off at some internet forum discussion with a guy that is half way around the world then you are just retarded.

In life there are very few things to get truly angry at and this is not one of them.

As to your wishing I was 20 again......well maybe.
Regardless you will be 35 one day as well and some "KID" will be telling you the same thing. It happens to all of us. Enjoy it while you can.
I even searched for Youtube clips of Aurora Borealis and was really impressed that you have so much views on your songs and that the songs are pretty much ok. Then I realized that it's another AB band. Then I've noticed that you put a Youtube link in your first post. Then I clicked on it and saw that you have 13.737 upload views. In 5 years. Now I have to say again: After 15 years of band-history you did definitely something wrong. Now I know why you try to promote your band here and give us your albums for free.

It is pathetic when untalented pop stars make what they do and great metal bands make nothing

Uh, I really have to agree with you
You MORON, my first uploads were from Sept 2010. Just look at the page and it will tell you when it was uploaded.

PS.. the videos of you in your bedroom in your moms house playing other peoples songs are fucking awesome.

PSS. Are you just a total fag for COB, all your names screen names deal with them, you play a signature guitar from them, you cover all their songs, and your website includes them I thought 12 year old girls only worshiped Alexi like that.

Seriously, do something original.
Doesn't matter when you uploaded them. You're definitely unknown as fuck.

Don't get this "...all your names screen names".

I'm a bedroom guitarist, yes, but I have to dissapoint you that I left my moms house when I was 19.
Thx that you like my videos though. I play enough other stuff aswell but I thought why not creating an account where I show other people how to play every Bodom song?
Aurora WTF dude that's just so wrong. Just kindly gtfo before you embarass yourself any further.
Maybe compared to a COB i am unknown, But hey COB are unknown as fuck when compared to Metallica, Metallica are unknown as fuck compared to Michael Jackson. Once again, all relative retard. I mean outside of the small metal world who the hell knows of any of the bands that exist in it.

Sorry i did not realize you left your moms house, it was all the rainbow bright bedding and gay ass colors that threw me off.

I am glad you made the account though the world really needs a children of bodom song teacher. Now please go do something original you mindless trend kid.

CRZY I was not aware i said anything that offended you...... was it the term "fag"
You are wrong again. If I ask 100 people at the age of 15-40 if they have ever heard of COB, I guess 30-40 would say yes. If ask the same thing about Metallica I guess 99 would say yes. If I ask them about Aurora Borealis maybe 50 would say yes. If I then say that this is also a 15 years old band 100 would say "are you kidding me?"

If you were a bit smarter I could do a cover of one of your songs and put it on Youtube to help your "band" getting a bit more famous :lol:
Marwen, you are correct.

Arcance, yes your numbers would be accurate for 30 to 40 if you ask kids that are into metal. I am talking about the big picture. the rest of the world outside of the metal scene. 30 to 40 regular people. I am guessing 10 would say COB if that. Maybe none for my band. I am being realistic.

My God!!! I would be so honored for you to sit in your rainbow bright bedroom and cover one of my songs. My life would then be complete.

Now please go back to wacking off to photos of alexi. I have never seen a male so infatuated with a band (Guy) before.
after that please go learn your next COB cover to get it posted to show the world how to play another COB tune, they are waiting.