Australian Tour


New Metal Member
Jun 15, 2001
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does anyone have any new news about the aussie opeth tour!!! GOD! i have been waiting forever and i still here nothing! WHAT'S GOING ON!
Bizzzarre, I have been checking the news page (26.06.01 hehe) everyday this week! As I have mentioned, keep emailing the label to show support! Opeth will come!
Tell me more! There is such a lack of good bands touring here. (My dream is to see death live... But i guess that's just not going to happen...!)

I'd be the first in line to see Opeth... fuck yeah!! :headbang:
... I just missed eminem! blast it all!!! :bah:

ha ha ha. god i hate bad music!
actually, i hear there's going to be an NSYNC tour here... who's up for it?

ha ha ha.
didnt i say they would tour there and scandanavia, thankyou, i love being right:rolleyes: (what a stuck up bastard i am)

oh and on the lighter side of news someone got expelled today for putting a chess piece in the schools microwave :lol: , the whole 6th form room stunk and there was a massive cloud of smoke in there for ages.:lol: