Australian tour

I'm fuckin pissed, I don't even care anymore.. its almost guaranteed that its gonna be an over 18 show, which is completely unfair, considering its their first tour here. They go through such trouble to get here yet half the fanbase is excluded (ok I may be talking a little early here coz no real info has been given out yet... but I mean cmon, they're playing a pub, you don't normally let minors in there).
Sorry to hear that you are not old enough Moonlapse, I would feel the same, but Metro I am pretty sure is always an 18+ gig site.

It is definitely unfair, I would go without grog just so younger fans could go (well I will probably anyway as I will probably be driving)

Can't do much to change it though I guess:(
the arena has all ages and 18+ gigs, they are 18+ more often than not so hmmm about that. i need to call them during working hours. the metro is 18+ pretty much too i think. so is the corner and the uni bar in adeliade is well, a bar.
so i will just have to check them all to be sure but i think fake ids are the way to go.
This really fuckin sux. I was hoping to fly from Alice Springs to any of the gigs which were under 18. I cant really afford to take my chances with a fake ID. Its a long way to go and a lot of money to get denied. Very disappointed. Disgusted. :mad:
Likewise... ah, I don't even care about the alcohol they'd be selling, it draws away from the music. I pay to see Opeth perform, because I love the band, not because I want to get intoxicated... there is plenty of chances for teens these days to do that elsewhere... goddamnit over 18 my ass. It's not just, it's not fair.
aww so lucky.. 4 days in Australia.. hey there is time before and after April 10-13 (a bit).. maybe come to New Zealand? maybe? please?

if it wasnt for uni and work i would so be there :bah:
Originally posted by Soilworker
I'm 17. I look 18. I'll make a fake ID.

Adelaide show for me.

I am in the same situation except I am 1500 km away. I dont really want to take the chance of going all that way for nothing.
Hey all, just thought I'd let some people know some info about the Corner in Melbourne.

First, it's a relatively small club in Richmond... I don't know the capacity, but it's no Colonial Stadium. Planet X played there in 2001, and much to my dismay it was an OVER-AGE show... so I'd assume that Opeth will be as well. I've since turned 18 though, so it doesn't bother me either way.

The Corner's website is and their phone number is 9427-7300. Someone should give them a ring tomorrow and find out some details, as well as ticket info.