Australian Youth Taking Their Country Back From Isamic-fascists!

High Master Jesus

A Fucking Way of Life~!
Aug 21, 2005
An 80s Coke Haze
From the VOA:

Racial violence has erupted near Australia's city of Sydney.

Thousands of white youths on Sunday rallied against people of Middle Eastern origin at suburban beaches south of the city.

The crowds drank alcohol, waved Australian flags and later clashed with police and attacked people of Middle Eastern appearance.

Several people were hospitalized and others were arrested as violence spread to nearby suburbs later Sunday night.

Some in the crowds said they were reacting to an attack last week on two beach lifeguards, allegedly by young men of Middle Eastern origin.

Since then, local radio talk shows have discussed the incident and a cell-phone text-message campaign called for retaliation.

Local people have accused Middle Eastern residents of Sydney's poorer areas of threatening beach-goers.
Yeah this has been brewing for some time and the shit really hit the fan on Sunday. I dont know about other parts of the world but we have big problems with muslim Lebanese youth here in Sydney.

I think the retaliation violence is justified. The disloyal motherfuckers are born here, their parents fled their war torn sand pit of a country and have worked hard to give them a better life. However thay want to piss it all away. They don't identify with being Aussie despite being born here and instead want to be separate from the rest of us. They hang around in groups and start shit with
1) people who are weak and vulnerable
2) People who they outnumber
3) Women
They will pretend to be tough but only fight if the odds are stacked heavily in their favour i.e at least 10 to 1

Over the last couple of years there has been massive drama over large groups of Leb youths pack raping white women. This wasnt an isolated incident, it happened a couple of times. Imagine being the poor girl who was run through by about 10 Leb guys in a park, spat on and called "Aussie Pig".

And last week at a beach called Cronulla in southern Sydney, a pack of Lebs beat up on two young surf lifeguards and these guys are an Aussie icon. It would be the equivalent of kicking a NY firefighter in the nuts.

These guys never get anything more than a slap on the wrist by police so this was the final straw and about 5000 people turned up to the beach on the weakend and anyone that so much as looked liked their name was Akmed was given a fuckin beatdown or beamed in the head with a beer bottle. I dont know if you saw the footage on the news but you would see like 1 Leb running with 5000 pissed, drunken surfer dudes chasing his ass.

I have little sympathy for the fucks because they brought on themselves from years of acting like antisocial, cowardly scum. This is going to be massive and will happen in other areas of Sydney too. I'm thinking I might head out this weakend to take out some Lebanese trash.
Saucy_Jack said:
Yeah this has been brewing for some time and the shit really hit the fan on Sunday. I dont know about other parts of the world but we have big problems with muslim Lebanese youth here in Sydney.

I think the retaliation violence is justified. The disloyal motherfuckers are born here, their parents fled their war torn sand pit of a country and have worked hard to give them a better life. However thay want to piss it all away. They don't identify with being Aussie despite being born here and instead want to be separate from the rest of us. They hang around in groups and start shit with
1) people who are weak and vulnerable
2) People who they outnumber
3) Women
They will pretend to be tough but only fight if the odds are stacked heavily in their favour i.e at least 10 to 1

Over the last couple of years there has been massive drama over large groups of Leb youths pack raping white women. This wasnt an isolated incident, it happened a couple of times. Imagine being the poor girl who was run through by about 10 Leb guys in a park, spat on and called "Aussie Pig".

And last week at a beach called Cronulla in southern Sydney, a pack of Lebs beat up on two young surf lifeguards and these guys are an Aussie icon. It would be the equivalent of kicking a NY firefighter in the nuts.

These guys never get anything more than a slap on the wrist by police so this was the final straw and about 5000 people turned up to the beach on the weakend and anyone that so much as looked liked their name was Akmed was given a fuckin beatdown or beamed in the head with a beer bottle. I dont know if you saw the footage on the news but you would see like 1 Leb running with 5000 pissed, drunken surfer dudes chasing his ass.

I have little sympathy for the fucks because they brought on themselves from years of acting like antisocial, cowardly scum. This is going to be massive and will happen in other areas of Sydney too. I'm thinking I might head out this weakend to take out some Lebanese trash.

I think we must be related. give those turd worlders a kick in the arse from me....
Muslims always piss themselves when you corner them with an m-4 in their face. Crying to momma, allah, whatever.
Buzzard said:
about fucking time. I am going to move there

Me too!!!!!
I'll just have to keep my mouth shut, because I believe they don't exactly love us Poms!!! Mind you, if it were a choice between us and the Lebs, we'd be OK. The only good thing Lebanese is hashish.
Saucy_Jack said:
Yeah this has been brewing for some time and the shit really hit the fan on Sunday. I dont know about other parts of the world but we have big problems with muslim Lebanese youth here in Sydney.

I think the retaliation violence is justified. The disloyal motherfuckers are born here, their parents fled their war torn sand pit of a country and have worked hard to give them a better life. However thay want to piss it all away. They don't identify with being Aussie despite being born here and instead want to be separate from the rest of us. They hang around in groups and start shit with
1) people who are weak and vulnerable
2) People who they outnumber
3) Women
They will pretend to be tough but only fight if the odds are stacked heavily in their favour i.e at least 10 to 1

Over the last couple of years there has been massive drama over large groups of Leb youths pack raping white women. This wasnt an isolated incident, it happened a couple of times. Imagine being the poor girl who was run through by about 10 Leb guys in a park, spat on and called "Aussie Pig".

And last week at a beach called Cronulla in southern Sydney, a pack of Lebs beat up on two young surf lifeguards and these guys are an Aussie icon. It would be the equivalent of kicking a NY firefighter in the nuts.

These guys never get anything more than a slap on the wrist by police so this was the final straw and about 5000 people turned up to the beach on the weakend and anyone that so much as looked liked their name was Akmed was given a fuckin beatdown or beamed in the head with a beer bottle. I dont know if you saw the footage on the news but you would see like 1 Leb running with 5000 pissed, drunken surfer dudes chasing his ass.

I have little sympathy for the fucks because they brought on themselves from years of acting like antisocial, cowardly scum. This is going to be massive and will happen in other areas of Sydney too. I'm thinking I might head out this weakend to take out some Lebanese trash.

I wish the American youth (of which I am included) had half the balls those 5,000 Aussies displayed over the weekend. It's great to see the a right wing reaction from the youth who don't want to see what their grandfathers fought for pissed away by their cowardly parents.

From the Netherlands to Australia, people are starting to realize what these Muslims intend on dominating rather than assimilating. Hopefully America will wake up soon, but if 9/11 didn’t wake us up, what will?