auto tune is the worst thing ever


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
ok i don't want to step on toes i know there was a discussion about this a while back but i'm not sure if this applies. i don't mind like "real" auto tune meaning just correcting stuff that's sightly out of pitch or stuff like what joey does with MOST of the bands where its just made to sound good.

but the obvious effect of it is terrible. i just heard the first single from the new mariah carey album and its the worst fucking thing ever. she should be ashamed of herself, there is also very obvious auto tune on other parts where its not meant to be the effect. for someone at her level to resort to this is snoopign pretty low. then again she is a totally different signer and person i guess than the mariah of the early-mid 90s who was a pretty good singer. i have a few of her early albums good stuff.

pop music has really gone to total shit thanks to the influence of commercialized hip hop (i like old more raw rap/hip hop) and the tasteless use of technology. the alarming rate of very tasteless pop with hack singers/artists and the overuse of auto tune as an effect is really getting to apocalyptic levels. the fact that thriller and bad this year are probably going to outsell most pop albums is a strong sign of the sad state of current affairs.
I have a little theory that music, especially pop & rock are both unravelling and breaking down. I believe that in a couple of years music will be unrecognisable and extremely lacking in quality. But I think it has to breakdown first before it can reinvent it's self & become something new and fresh.

Just a theory.
I have a little theory that music, especially pop & rock are both unravelling and breaking down. I believe that in a couple of years music will be unrecognisable and extremely lacking in quality. But I think it has to breakdown first before it can reinvent it's self & become something new and fresh.

Just a theory.

no i agree. i welcome that...

its like the great flood for musically. the level of music nowadays is so poor that i don't know whats coming. hopefully what you say is true either that or its listening to a loop of approx 50 years of popular music from like 1950-2000 for the rest of our lives, at least for me. even the vast majority of metal sucks. it's like a plague. i think people have just run out of creativity, inspiration, ideas, words, melodies, harmonies, and ultimately - notes.
no i agree. i welcome that...

its like the great flood for musically. the level of music nowadays is so poor that i don't know whats coming. hopefully what you say is true either that or its listening to a loop of approx 50 years of popular music from like 1950-2000 for the rest of our lives, at least for me. even the vast majority of metal sucks. it's like a plague. i think people have just run out of creativity, inspiration, ideas, words, melodies, harmonies, and ultimately - notes.

Uh, are you kidding? Anaal Nathrakh's new CD came out last month and it fucking annihilates.
I just came home from celebrating my guitarists bday at a bar/bowlin alley, and I swear 50% of the music being played sounded like T-Pain with his autotune settings. :erk:

I haven't heard the new Mariah Carey and I don't plan on listening to it. She went downhill FAST after her amazing mtv unplugged thing. Trying to get all hoochie mama and inviting rappers to her videos. I'm not surprised one bit that she's jumping on the autotune for effect bandwagon.
I think it's mainly popular music that's felt the sting of autotune. Most of the best metal out there doesn't even have vocals that can be autotuned, so I'm not too fazed.

But in a nutshell, it's the 80s all over again. We have the tools, so we overdo it. Human nature. Look back in a decade or two and 'fuck, what were we thinking?'.
yeah but i loved the 80s..... a lot of that shit was pretty out there in good ways and even through some of the cheesy shit there were dozens and dozens of timeless classic records in every genre, notably mainstream pop, that will be around for a long ass time.

by the way ermz most of this is directed towards mainstream anyway.
Agreed that it's overused

But there are metal bands out there releasing albums that are creative and inspiring, you've just got to know where to look, I mean, listen to animals as leaders and periphery...
I never used autotune. Years ago I tested, and i remember to be hard to use it.
Apart from the stupid effect you are talking about, does it work properly with slightly out-of-tune singers or instrumens?
Got a bass track that is slightly out of tune and recording it would be a problem and would take too much effort.
I never used autotune. Years ago I tested, and i remember to be hard to use it.
Apart from the stupid effect you are talking about, does it work properly with slightly out-of-tune singers or instrumens?
Got a bass track that is slightly out of tune and recording it would be a problem and would take too much effort.

Yep, that's one of the possibilites.
Its pretty handy having autotune/melodyne for pre-prod vocals as you can mess with the notes after the fact and try different ideas on vocal melodys midi style!!

It also gives the singer something to reference when he/she is going for the final take if they are having problems with some notes.

So yea i wont be getting rid of my copy of melodyne anytime soon as i find it great for showing different ideas to singers who are lets say being a little sparce on the creativity side on their vocal melodys.
Auto tune is 1/4 of the reason why I hate so much pop and modern so called "hip hop" garbage.