auto tune is the worst thing ever

i think people have just run out of creativity, inspiration, ideas, words, melodies, harmonies, and ultimately - notes.

This is why I got bored of metal and began listening to avant-garde music.
I feel like metal's offered nearly all it can offer to the world right NOW at least,

To me, as well as melody, harmony, the written word, TEXTURE needs to be explored. Texture, atmosphere, sonic clay sculptures if you will.
Manipulating sound to create entire new universes of music is just as valid as music IMO, and is what people should explore more.
There are very few metal albums that can supply as much unique texture and atmosphere as artists such as SunnO))) and Kayo Dot and a bunch of John Zorn's more out there projects.
Avant Garde for the fucking win.
I honestly cannot stand listening to non stop metal all day.
I may call myself a metal head, but honestly lately I've spent 30 per cent of my time listening to metal, the rest is other stuff.

one of the only artists EVER to get away with autotune
aside from imogen heap
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It does make a really great preproduction tool. What I'm doing with this folk metal band I'm recording, is recording the clean vocals scratch take, auto-tuning the fuck out of it, then having him re-record over that. The take is MUCH better in pitch and only requires a minor touch up to line up perfectly with the other two layers I make him do.

Sounds quite good.
^ I really like using melodyne as a creative tool i have to admit
ive recorded vocal melodies for stuff in the past, melodyned it all, then fucked with the notes to change melodies as i please, add harmonies, all sorts of awesome shit
I'm going to completely disagree with the assertion that we're running out of ideas and good music.

I don't know of anyone here who was alive to hear what kind of stuff was new in the 50s, but you can be certain that there were plenty of shit bands and shit records there as well. 99% of everything is shit, and pretending that music, culture, the future, and everything we've ever loved is fucked is incredibly short-sighted - in 2050 (assuming, of course, that the Mayans haven't risen from the dead and summoned down space aliens to kill us with trans fats and Slap Chops before then) people will look back and only see acts like Devin Townsend and Porcupine Tree that just had their shit together the whole way through - they'll laugh at crabcore the way we laugh at poodle skirts, and they'll bitch and moan about their newwavecybergrindgore like we do with whinecore twats. Society isn't declining, we just haven't had the great filter of passing time to pull out all the mindless bullshit in today's music like we've had with yesterday's. We have more exposure to garbage for a number of reasons, but that doesn't mean that we're without stellar acts - or even that they're less common than they were before. Hindsight may seem 20/20, but the fact that today seems fuzzy doesn't mean that the world is out of focus.

I'm going to completely disagree with the assertion that we're running out of ideas and good music.

I don't know of anyone here who was alive to hear what kind of stuff was new in the 50s, but you can be certain that there were plenty of shit bands and shit records there as well. 99% of everything is shit, and pretending that music, culture, the future, and everything we've ever loved is fucked is incredibly short-sighted - in 2050 (assuming, of course, that the Mayans haven't risen from the dead and summoned down space aliens to kill us with trans fats and Slap Chops before then) people will look back and only see acts like Devin Townsend and Porcupine Tree that just had their shit together the whole way through - they'll laugh at crabcore the way we laugh at poodle skirts, and they'll bitch and moan about their newwavecybergrindgore like we do with whinecore twats. Society isn't declining, we just haven't had the great filter of passing time to pull out all the mindless bullshit in today's music like we've had with yesterday's. We have more exposure to garbage for a number of reasons, but that doesn't mean that we're without stellar acts - or even that they're less common than they were before. Hindsight may seem 20/20, but the fact that today seems fuzzy doesn't mean that the world is out of focus.


Couldn't have said it better!