Auto-tune-tastic Deathcore.


Jul 18, 2007
Brighton, UK
I've posted a few songs by this band up here before. Pretty much just recorded them again. milkshake.mp3

It's only my first rough mix, so hopefully things will improve when I've got a bit more time and my ears have recovered from tracking the cymbals...


Guitars - ESP Eclipse w/ 81 in the Bridge. Mesa Triple Rectifier. 2 tracks panned hard L/R without tubescreamer, then 2 tracks panned 80% L/R with tubescreamer.

Bass - My Schecter Stiletto Custom 5, straight into my firepod, then Ampeg SVX and PSP Vintagewarmer.

Drums - Kick snare and toms triggered. Snare and Toms replaced with Addictive Drums samples. Kick replaced with Devildriver kick uploaded by gubbKuk. Natural overheads, mic'd with Rode M3s.

Vocals - Audix I5.

Synths - No idea :P

Basically wanna know what I can do to improve? I've already done 3 other tracks for this band before, and I sort of feel like my mixes should be improving, but they're sorta staying the same. I'm pretty happy with how things sound overall, but it still doesn't sound even close to "pro" and I'd really like to push that bit more out of myself...

Cheeeers guys!
DUDE wheeere ya been i've missed your awesome pod tones, and dude this is sick, also, do you have aim, msn, yahoo, we need to fucking chat
your singer sound like the dude from eternal lord/iktpq the little guitar melody, is just hurts my ears on the chorus. and try widening the vocals. and eqing that middle guitar
Heheh, cheers man :D Yeah I've got MSN - Add me up man! Don't judge me on the silly E-mil address, I made it when I was about 12 haha.

Yeah I guessed the music wouldn't be to everyone's taste. It's a bit special...

Yeah the little guitar melody is a little loud. I also feel like it needs to sound more reverby, but if I make it more reverby it sits really far behind the mix :(

I'm not absolutely 100% pleased with the tone, but I've literally only spend about 2 minutes EQ-ing it.

We didn't even mess with mic placement. Just stuck an I5 straight infront of the cab and I wouldn't say the tone was bad...
Sick mix! i reckon the drums arent prominent enough for the style tho. Kick and snare need to be more at teh front of the mix! Good job tho!

yeah i remeber this band , Pig Squeeler !!! i love this guys vocals ,, they just need to try it without auto tune and this band would be one of my favourite ,

this mix sounds very professional , good job man !!

by the way ,, what is the bands name ???
I really like this mix, the opens sound heavy as f%ck! I think the drums sound sweet too, nicely mixed and balanced, It is indeed a very professional sound. Class band too, even though autotune like this isnt really my thing, you have pulled it off nicely here. Nice job!