Automating "Item Properties..." in Reaper


Jan 21, 2010
Is this possible?

I'm adding an EQ insert from the item properties to a section with just guitar so that it's low passing as much as possible.
I was wondering if I could automate it to fade back in so that it gets the effect of all the frequencies slowly coming back in.

If anyone knows what I'm trying to do and knows an easier way that'd be cool, too. :D

EDIT: I just realized that I'm "experimenting", but still not even close to doing what I'm trying
Hmm, that's what I've been trying to do but it seems to go right back to every (or most) of the frequencies that the guitar has.

I'll keep messing with it...
Never tried it though, maybe it's an on-off setting just like bypass.

Search in the envelopes, I'm sure there's one that fits.
Automate the low pass frequency

EDIT, In more depth: I'm guessing you've already got an EQ with a lowpass on there, so just add an automation lane for the frequency, automate it up to like 5k or something and have it fade back down to its original value