AutoPocket: New Beat Detective clone for Reaper (demo video)

thanks adam, that worked!
however, i've got another problem:

what do i do if a transient is so far off that if i slip it to the grid the transient starts to repeat itself causing a flam?

this happens with 16th notes quite frequently on the track i've been working on.

thanks adam, that worked!
however, i've got another problem:

what do i do if a transient is so far off that if i slip it to the grid the transient starts to repeat itself causing a flam?

this happens with 16th notes quite frequently on the track i've been working on.


gotta time stretch =/ alt+drag manually, and move on. yell at drummer for sucking.
Yeah time stretch or copy from another section. That's just extremely poor tracking though, you need to be a lot pickier about the performances if you are running into those problems often. The more you edit the easier it will be to know what you can and can't fix while tracking. Generally though, if the drummer rushes something it will be hard to fix.
thanks i'll remeber that.
however, the boundaries of 16th notes are pretty small.
if the transient lands right in between two 16th grid lines it's actually much closer to the grid than if itwere between 8th notes.
don't you have that with 200+bpm kicks that the 16th notes are half a 16th, i.e. halfway between two 16th grid lines, apart?

if all that doesn't really make sense please excuse. i'm still pretty new to all this.

but i'll try to get it right in the tracking stage next time!
thanks i'll remeber that.
however, the boundaries of 16th notes are pretty small.
if the transient lands right in between two 16th grid lines it's actually much closer to the grid than if itwere between 8th notes.
don't you have that with 200+bpm kicks that the 16th notes are half a 16th, i.e. halfway between two 16th grid lines, apart?

if all that doesn't really make sense please excuse. i'm still pretty new to all this.

but i'll try to get it right in the tracking stage next time!

that didn't quite make sense to me, haha... but if you have straight 16th note kicks at 200 bpm, what i usually do is just convert the kick to MIDI and for parts like that, i'll just draw perfect segments in the piano roll. if it's a passage where there's just constant straight 16ths going that fast, you can USUALLY get away with editing the kick separate (as in un-grouped) from the rest of the kit. i know Andy has said he does the same to avoid chopping the cymbals into little 16th note edits.

but you can also do it grouped, if he's going that fast you just need to make sure that there aren't too many or too few hits and as long as they're not right on top of each other it should all be slip-able. you can also sometimes have him play it SLIGHTLY slower without the click, and then as he plays it well like that, you can just slip the whole thing in place, by dropping each kick on it's respective gridline (with everything grouped).

i've had drummers that are really good but simply CANNOT play to a click, and i had to track the whole thing like that... track a section of the song, determine the approximate tempo, and slip edit in place...make sure it works...track the next segment...etc.
I know that this is an old thread, but this thing kicks major arse. Took me like 30mins to do a complete 4min drum track

Now the only problem I am having is that when I make a split it sometimes cuts off the first part of the hit. Is there are way to increase the amount of gap that the cut happens before the transient, I am using your toolbar and it works perfect except for this (well for me anyway). I edited all drums and I am mixing in sonar (which has been my main DAW for 5 years) until I get the hang of mixing in reaper
If you mean when using dynamic split, you can add a "leading pad" in the dynamic split window of a few milliseconds if you find it is consistently early. What I usually do though is just slide the printed Trigger track in line with the actual hits since I'm always using that track as my split reference.

For anyone who cares, not sure if I mentioned this yet but nowadays I am even lazier with this thing and I just throw one instance of Trigger on the whole drum bus and print that. Set the sensitivity down to like 8 or 9, retrigger like 50-60ms depending on tempo and detail according to input level. Then just balance your drum tracks so that Trigger sees the hits from each drum relatively evenly and mute any tracks in the bus that you don't want to use as a trigger reference.
hey adam

I don't use the dynamic split, just the split and smooth buttons. I still do it as I am slip editing, but use the smooth button at the end (which by the way is so good)