
Wicked Inferno

Child of the Wicked
Nov 14, 2003
ok here is the setlist to the best of my knowledge. It was pretty much all odyssey cept for communion and the oracle. was about 4 rows back, got there right as X started ( great timing if i do say so myself)

set list (to best of knowledge)

communion and the oracle
2 more off odyssey (think one was turning, cant remember other)

symphony x was great, specially russel on wicked. I wanted some older songs too though (COTM, S & M) but it was still great. Queensryche was good and The crowd was definately 99% there for them. I know understand what everyone was saying about bono and crotch grabbing. But when he came out in his leather jacket for mindcrime, all was forgiven. Great show by all.

one regret: try as i might, Symph x didnt play odyssey. So lots and lots of screaming for naught.
Was right up front on the railing for this show myself. Was right in front of Romeo/Rullo. Guys sounded great after they upped Allens vox. They seemed really pumped, and to have made a few new fans.

As for Ryche, the started out a snooze fest for me. It wasnt until after the 3 accoustic songs, that I was able to get into it. Pretty cool with the whole Pamela Moore/Mindcrime thing.

Was tempted to knock some asshole out, who kept screaaming "Queen Of The Fuckin Ryche".

Im not sure what side you were on but , if you got pushed back from someone up front it was me LOL. When that dickhead screaming pushed me forward into the rail, I literally pushed about 8 rows of people off of my back, and was royally pissed.

After that I wasnt pushed for the rest of the night. :)
i think i saw you. Cause there was only like 5 or six symphony x fans there. Two in the front row going crazy, probly u, and three kids right in front of me. I dont know if you heard me, but i was shouting for smoke and mirrors for most of the set and then for the oddysey. Both they didnt fucking play. o well though its all good.
Lonnie Tate's Forearms said:
As the opening act, did he do that thing where he sings the r&b style "she said" part of wicked then stops and does it again?

he did that at the keswick theater. he actually stopped after the first one cuz he heard someone call him 'hot', and he told the guy (dont ask) that he was hot too, and then went on singing. great show. and me, meedleyx10 and our bassist were talkin to romeo after the show and he said that they did have to cut Church of the Machine out of the set for some reason. i was kinda disappointed that there were so few Symphony X fans there. i'd say around 15 or 20. maybe 30. great show anyway.
because It would have costed me a few hundred bucks to go and with a tiny set list like that its just not worth it, especially since I only like a few QR songs. I can wait for the new tour and see a kick ass full blown show like I saw during the last albums tour.