Avatar war!!!

*attacks with Avatar*

En garde!

You will look at the avatar..
You will look at the avatar..
You will look at the avatar..
..You cannot look away..
Keep looooking
Soon, very soooon, he will fall..
Just wait..

Buahaahahhaa!!!! :muahaha:
I'm partial to my avatar. *shrug*

Oh, and anyone having trouble getting theirs to work can go open a free account at imagemagician.com & upload it there..then it'll work. :)
Originally posted by NapalmForLunch
no guilt. i wish that i could kill humans but there are laws against that because of morals. and that i think if humans had no morals we would not be so avanced and destroying the planet as much as we are.

Spot the angry teen :rolleyes:

Actually, that's still a moral stance. Absence of morals is rather hard to achieve, and since you're only saying you think it's ok to kill people, you're not achieving it. You're not saying "I want anarchy, total existentialist and moral nihilism. I want everyone to be able to do whatever they want". If there were no morals, nothing was sacred at all, people could steal from you, beat you up, torture you, fuck you up the arse, kill your baby brother, push you into a deep, disused canal, spray "A CUNT" on your face and assassinate your pet kitten and no one would bat an eyelid.

And the Dude is still the best avatar going 'cause he's the best character ever.
Originally posted by markgugs
I'm just going to ignore all the pacifist "no war on Iraq" pussies.

I'm not pussy. I don't believe killing people to make money is right, which is what this war is over. If we wanted to just clear out the military thret, we could have doe that already, but what we are trying to do is to take over, then "rebuild" the country with a leader who will give u the oil. Hamad Karzai is a former oil executie, so he is a great choice for the leader of Afghanistan. if we would actually clear out the terrorists and miliitary threats, I'm all for it, but I know we will go for the oil too. I'm way too violent to be a pacifist, but I don't beliee in killing innocent just to make money.
