Avatar war!!!

Originally posted by NAD
......Another one I really like... I don't know who it is, but it's a portion of the cover from Opeth - Deliverance with a blinding light flooding from the curtains. Awesome.

Hello! :blush:

Mine is crapy. I know. It's a Valaraukar.

OK Pinhead, in which language on (middle) earth exactly did you just say 'Balrog'? :confused:
SPIKE!!! Yup, that's where I saw that avatar. Did you make it yourself? It's awesome!

The Dude and Al Bundy are some of my other favorites. That devil girl with the huge tits is cool too. I suppose that me being a meat-eating, beer-swigging male that is to be expected though. :grin:

How can we get Iraq's oil? They will still be a member of OPEC no matter what happens. I don't really feel like explaining what OPEC is, but basically it's an agreement to NOT give out too much oil. We (as in the U.S.) will never control it.
I fiddled with the idea myself for an hour or so in Paint Shop Pro and got it pretty good, but then remebered that one of my best friends does this for a living, so I palmed it of to him and half an hour later..... presto! :grin:
if they dont know what opec is then shoot them. Oil is the most evil thing on the planet. I hate oil so much. when i learn more about it im gonna try to do carrot juice fueled car.
There's a guy near me with a soy oil powered golf. He will sell te oil to you for around $1 per gallon IF you use it in a car. His family owns a restaurant or something so he gets it cheap bulk... I would build a 6 cylinder engine with 22 to 1 compression or lower compression and a high power turbo system... 6 stage turbocharging... :)