Avenged Sevenfold song with Mike Portnoy

I like it a lot actually. Sounds like something off of City of Evil, which already has me excited. I hated that last album. Then again, I know I'm one of the few on this forum that likes them though.
Why does everyone hate them? Other than their gay names, their newer stuff is pretty badass. I, for one, really dig this tune. I loved their self titled too. City of Evil was ok, but I hate everything before it. Sooo glad they dropped the whole core element.
Why does everyone hate them? Other than their gay names, their newer stuff is pretty badass. I, for one, really dig this tune. I loved their self titled too. City of Evil was ok, but I hate everything before it. Sooo glad they dropped the whole core element.

I totally agree. I've never understood the backlash this band gets. Probably never will. As I've said before the only thing I can think of is M. Shadows vocals because at first I wasn't too fond of them either. I just think most metal people don't give them much of a chance.

I will disagree with the newer self titled album. I thought that was pretty weak outside of a couple of songs. It was obviously targeted towards the mainstream and I found it pretty soft. City of Evil I still love though.
Pretty good song. Looking forward to the album. Sounds like they are going back towards the City of Evil style (or some of the more metal'ish moments of the most recent album). Uninspired? Hmm... A weird and unsubstantiated claim to make.
I totally agree. I've never understood the backlash this band gets. Probably never will. As I've said before the only thing I can think of is M. Shadows vocals because at first I wasn't too fond of them either. I just think most metal people don't give them much of a chance.

I will disagree with the newer self titled album. I thought that was pretty weak outside of a couple of songs. It was obviously targeted towards the mainstream and I found it pretty soft. City of Evil I still love though.

I think a lot of people like to follow the trend of not following trends, and just rule these guys out instantly as being trendy. And they are... But that doesn't stop them from being a great band that writes great music.

About the self titled: I love straightforward hard rock. I'm such a huge fan of massively catchy, yet simple, choruses. The self-titled mixed that simplicity with the heavier moments thrown in to spice it up, rather than just being heavy all the time and overdoing it. That's what I love about it. Plus they didn't let genre boundaries keep them sounding the same on every song. They threw in all sorts of stuff. I really like both it and City of Evil. I just prefer the self titled, for its simplicity.

Don't get me wrong though... I love technical music as much as the next prog head. I just have more fun with simple music.
I think the issue a lot of people have with this band is that they went from being a WARPED TOUR pop-goth-punk type band (ala AFI), to being more of a sleeze rock/metal band overnight. I mean, it worked for them, in landing them Ozzfest and other tours, etc.

Just doesn't seem genuine. I have only heard a couple tunes. Not my thing really, though I would not say its on the same level of suck as most metalcore or nu metal.

I think TAKING DAWN would do well with their crowd.
I think the issue a lot of people have with this band is that they went from being a WARPED TOUR pop-goth-punk type band (ala AFI), to being more of a sleeze rock/metal band overnight. I mean, it worked for them, in landing them Ozzfest and other tours, etc.

Just doesn't seem genuine. I have only heard a couple tunes. Not my thing really, though I would not say its on the same level of suck as most metalcore or nu metal.

I think TAKING DAWN would do well with their crowd.

Definitely agree. I really don't care if it seems genuine or not though. As long as they make music that I enjoy, I will listen to them. Same goes with pretty much any band.

I also agree that Taking Dawn would fit in well with their newer audience. Although, those guys are genuine to the bone.

All said and done, after hearing this song, I am really looking forward to this album. I really like the little flair Portnoy threw in, without going over the top, like he could have.
I cannot get into this at all. To be honest, the only album I have ever been able to enjoy was Sounding The Seventh Trumpet. I saw them a few times in small clubs in front of a handful of people in those days and thought they put on a pretty good show but lost interest after they adopted their current sound. Not to say they are not talented but I just can't get into it.
I think the issue a lot of people have with this band is that they went from being a WARPED TOUR pop-goth-punk type band (ala AFI), to being more of a sleeze rock/metal band overnight. I mean, it worked for them, in landing them Ozzfest and other tours, etc.

Just doesn't seem genuine. I have only heard a couple tunes. Not my thing really, though I would not say its on the same level of suck as most metalcore or nu metal.

I think TAKING DAWN would do well with their crowd.

I think it's quite genuine. I realize that they switched from metalcore to a more progressive/traditional style just as that was getting slightly more popular, but how popular was it? Not all that popular, and they were already doing alright for themselves (though City of Evil definitely catapulted them). The thing is, when you listen to the music and read the lyrics, its hard to believe that people could come up with this stuff if they didn't absolutely love it. Then you look at their last album which took influences from all over the place (and that they did on their own I believe without an outside producer), including country and southern rock, and I think they are one of the more genuine bands around even if they still go for that sleaze rock/motley crue image.
I think the issue a lot of people have with this band is that they went from being a WARPED TOUR pop-goth-punk type band (ala AFI), to being more of a sleeze rock/metal band overnight. I mean, it worked for them, in landing them Ozzfest and other tours, etc.

Just doesn't seem genuine. I have only heard a couple tunes. Not my thing really, though I would not say its on the same level of suck as most metalcore or nu metal.

I think TAKING DAWN would do well with their crowd.

Avenged Sevenfold has never been like AFI.
Avenged Sevenfold was a metalcore act where AFI was a Misfits influenced punk band.

That being said, I like a couple songs from Avenged Sevenfold actually...but the majority of their catalog is weak.
AFI had a lot more screaming than the Misfits. AFI was a hardcore act in the beginning. The bands had similar roots, but A7X knew how to play their instruments. AFI is more psuedo-punk-art-rock now.
AFI had a lot more screaming than the Misfits. AFI was a hardcore act in the beginning. The bands had similar roots, but A7X knew how to play their instruments. AFI is more psuedo-punk-art-rock now.

actually, their first two albums are just pretty straightforward punk rock. didn't become a hardcore band until the 3rd. the Misfits influences are pretty clear though, especially on some of the EPs and Art of Drowning.

I guess the entire point is that the two bands aren't really anything alike...yeah they both wore makeup at times, but AFI's was in the Danzig way and A7X's was in the "let's wear eyeliner and spinkick" way.

but I'm sure Jasonic would have the same reaction if I compared A7X to Manilla Road so I'm not going overboard!
Look, I just through out AFI, more from the image perspective.
I am familiar with AFI's early material (IE - Fly On The Ointment 7", etc).
You get my point though.

Yea, as someone said above, if you like it, then that's all that matters.

My post was in response to Simon who asked why people have issues with this band. It's the truth, regardless if you are a fan and agree with it or not.

I am a fan of the Sword (yes, the modern "hipster" one). Bottom line, I think they do the "early" Sabbath sound REALLY well. Sure, all members were in crappy indie bands before, so lots of COTD people call them hipster posers. May be true, but I like their music, so that's all I am concerned about.
oh wow, Fly in the Ointment is REALLY old.

I'm not really sure why people get so butthurt about "hipster" metal bands. A lot of the stuff being put out on Southern Lord and Hydra Head is some of the most interesting metal to come out over the past few years.

I think I prefer the term "beard metal" to "hipster metal" though.

The Sword is fantastic.
Eh, I think this song is mediocre at best. I do like some A7X, "City Of Evil" mainly, but this is just kind of boring as far as I'm concerned. There is some cool guitar work though, and it's definitely catchy..
oh wow, Fly in the Ointment is REALLY old.

I'm not really sure why people get so butthurt about "hipster" metal bands. A lot of the stuff being put out on Southern Lord and Hydra Head is some of the most interesting metal to come out over the past few years.

I think I prefer the term "beard metal" to "hipster metal" though.

The Sword is fantastic.

It depends on how you perceive their music. I don't usually like tongue in cheek, though I love Zappa. Go figure. A lot of the 'hipster' metal can be seen as tongue in cheek. Where they appreciate the style, but want to make sure that you know, that they know, just how ridiculous it really is. As opposed to not considering it to be ridiculous, but just loving it for what it is. 'Hipster' metal, thus, becomes like an inside joke about the music and a need by the band to say 'hey yeah we like this stuff, but we are still cool, because like.. you know... we get that it actually sucks.'
I think a lot of people like to follow the trend of not following trends, and just rule these guys out instantly as being trendy.
True statement.

As I've said before, if Lamb of God was a bunch of long-haired Swedes, they'd have a different following, even though the music would be the same. Same is true of a lot of bands. However, I think this has as much to do with time, as going against the trend. People have limited time with which to investigate the overwhelming amount of music available. If you don't like any of the bands you've heard within a given genre, you'll likely just ignore the next band that comes around who's tagged as being of that genre. Or, you'll listen to them, but listen with a "glass half empty" mindset.