Mike Portnoy to play with Avenged Sevenfold

What...the...FUCK?!!!! Okay, I actually like A7x, at least City of Evil. The last album sucked, but I think this is a mistake on Mike's part, though I know why he's doing it. Supposedly he had a lot of admiration for the Rev.
Its because Portnoy was Revs favorite drummer and Mike P is just that damn cool! I think it will be awesome!


^ this

Found this on Roadrunner's Facebook:

In reply, Mike Portnoy issued this statement today:

"Even under normal circumstances, I would've been happy to help the guys out in any way I could as I think Avenged Sevenfold are a great band...but under these incredibly sad and tragic circumstances, I must say I am truly honored to have been asked to play with them and I didn't even have to think twice about saying ‘yes.’

“These guys are a true family and it is an incredibly emotional experience to be here with them for the first time without their lost brother. But they have welcomed me into the family with open arms and there's a real excitement to make the record they had set out to make.

“I am treating my participation on this album with the utmost respect for Jimmy's memory and am remaining as true as possible to the drum parts that he wrote for the songs and the record he wanted to make.

“I want their fans to realize that I'm not trying to step into or fill The Rev's shoes...I'm just merely lacing 'em up for him!"
what the hell really?

it's alright though. he is a great dummer, i think everyone would agree. i also do like some avenged sevenfold...city of evil is a good album. if anything, the drumming on the next album will just make everything more kickass.

good for him for doing what he loves.
Damn. That didn't take long.

"DREAM THEATER's Mike Portnoy has finished laying down drum tracks for the new AVENGED SEVENFOLD album. Portnoy was filling in for James "The Rev" Sullivan, who died in late December. Mike said, "What an amazing and emotional experience!

"Me and Zacky [Vengeance, AVENGED SEVENFOLD guitarist] celebrated [the completion of the drum tracks] by getting matching Death Bat tats here in the studio... I also went with Matt [AVENGED SEVENFOLD singer M. Shadows] on Saturday night when he got a new Death Bat tat with Jimmy's face."

Portnoy continued, "I must thank the amazing AVENGED SEVENFOLD fans for being so open and welcoming to me. I was fearing them being very defensive over The Rev's drum throne, but they've all been so supportive, open-minded, understanding and excited by the news... It is a huge relief to me and the guys!

"What an awesome family spirit these guys have... lotsa love! Shadows, [Synyster] Gates [guitar], Zacky and Johnny [Christ, bass] are now my brothers for life... Hopefully this wont be the last time I play with them.

"And oh yeah... The album is gonna be incredible! The Rev is absolutely looking down with a big-ass smile on his face!"

AVENGED SEVENFOLD announced Portnoy's participation in their fifth album on February 17, calling him Sullivan's "all-time favorite drummer. "

Sullivan was found dead at his Huntington Beach, California home on December 28. The cause of death has yet to be announced pending lab reports.

AVENGED SEVENFOLD's new album is due out sometime later this year."
Avenged Sevenfold might not be a good band, and their pseudonyms might be more stupid than most black metal nicknames, but I think it's a nice think for Mike to do.