Avenged Sevenfold song with Mike Portnoy

True statement.

As I've said before, if Lamb of God was a bunch of long-haired Swedes, they'd have a different following, even though the music would be the same. Same is true of a lot of bands. However, I think this has as much to do with time, as going against the trend. People have limited time with which to investigate the overwhelming amount of music available. If you don't like any of the bands you've heard within a given genre, you'll likely just ignore the next band that comes around who's tagged as being of that genre. Or, you'll listen to them, but listen with a "glass half empty" mindset.

Maybe Lamb of God would have more Eyehategod fans or something. I don't know. The band's music seems very within their chosen genre.
Look, I just through out AFI, more from the image perspective.
I am familiar with AFI's early material (IE - Fly On The Ointment 7", etc).
You get my point though.

Yea, as someone said above, if you like it, then that's all that matters.

My post was in response to Simon who asked why people have issues with this band. It's the truth, regardless if you are a fan and agree with it or not.

I am a fan of the Sword (yes, the modern "hipster" one). Bottom line, I think they do the "early" Sabbath sound REALLY well. Sure, all members were in crappy indie bands before, so lots of COTD people call them hipster posers. May be true, but I like their music, so that's all I am concerned about.

I understand that part of it. I guess for me I always have a problem with people that won't follow a band due to image and such over the music. Unfortunately, that's just how it goes.

I definitely like the Sword too, though I didn't particularly care for them live when they opened for Metallica, but it also could've been that they just don't fit that type of arena setup. Not to mention the sound for them was awful.
I understand that part of it. I guess for me I always have a problem with people that won't follow a band due to image and such over the music. Unfortunately, that's just how it goes.

Absolutely! If I like something, I like it.
I couldn't care less what genre it is or how it is perceived in the general metal community.

On the flipside though, I certainly see why some dismiss bands for various reasons. Their choice.

Some people simply won't like ANYTHING that has ANY mainstream acceptance. Even in these parts, you have people who slam glam metal, yet praise EDGUY and SONATA ARCTICA. Seriously. If this were the 80s, would EDGUY be marketed as anything BUT a glam metal band? Certainly would have been eaten alive in the thrash community! :lol:
I definitely like the Sword too, though I didn't particularly care for them live when they opened for Metallica, but it also could've been that they just don't fit that type of arena setup. Not to mention the sound for them was awful.

I was at that show too.
Best crowd quote of the night, after their set, from two guys behind me.

Kid #1 "Man, that was awesome. What band was that?"
Kid #2 "That was Machine Head"

Machine Head is fun live :rock: but they aren't the same as the Sword for sure :goggly:

As for this, it sounds a bit uninspired to me. It's listenable but not something I'd go out of my way for. I really enjoyed City of Evil and I don't know where you go from there, but it seems like they haven't gone anywhere (musically) since. At the end of the day if you find a way to sell albums and make a living doing what you enjoy, I won't knock it - I just might not buy your CD :rolleyes:
I'm digging the song, I liked CoE and really enjoyed their last release. I thought that there were some good proggy songs on the last disc.

I've played the last disc for people that just knew they hated the band without actually listening to them and they've given in and said it was good stuff.
Why does everyone hate them? Other than their gay names, their newer stuff is pretty badass. I, for one, really dig this tune. I loved their self titled too. City of Evil was ok, but I hate everything before it. Sooo glad they dropped the whole core element.

I thought City of Evil and Waking the Fallen were great! There are a couple of songs on the self-titled that were good too. This new song sounds forced to me...
I was at that show too.
Best crowd quote of the night, after their set, from two guys behind me.

Kid #1 "Man, that was awesome. What band was that?"
Kid #2 "That was Machine Head"


We actually didn't go to the same show, as I went to the one in Moline since I was much more interested in seeing Down than Machine Head.

That is a classic quote though. That happens all the time. :lol:
Which of the bands on Southern Lord would qualify as "hipster"?

Pelican, Twilight, Sunn O))), Om, Earth, Wolves in the Throne Room, etc.

I think it's a dumb term, and really doesn't describe the music at all -- it's mainly used in a derogatory fashion because of the hipster fanbase they have.
Pelican, Twilight, Sunn O))), Om, Earth, Wolves in the Throne Room, etc.

I think it's a dumb term, and really doesn't describe the music at all -- it's mainly used in a derogatory fashion because of the hipster fanbase they have.

I concur. I really despise this genre tag, and I also still don't really get it. :lol: Those bands alone you listed as well as Sword are pretty different for the most part.
Pelican, Twilight, Sunn O))), Om, Earth, Wolves in the Throne Room, etc.

I think it's a dumb term, and really doesn't describe the music at all -- it's mainly used in a derogatory fashion because of the hipster fanbase they have.

Each of the bands listed above began organically.

Hipster Metal refers more to bands on Kemado Records. There's a US historical worde for the same concept as what they do - carpetbagger.

People from outside a region with no interest in historical context coming into a region (or genre, as this case may be) to use resources for its own personal gain, only to abandon said location (or genre) when fashion trends shift. This is what makes false metal.

Check Jim Raggi's LotFP site for the full deal.

Meanwhile, the bands dcowboys/Brian mentioned were promoted by metal fans initially. The Pitchfork hipsters (best known example) only got wind of them 3 to 5 albums into the bands's careers.
Meanwhile, the bands dcowboys/Brian mentioned were promoted by metal fans initially. The Pitchfork hipsters (best known example) only got wind of them 3 to 5 albums into the bands's careers.

...which is when the term "hipster metal" started applying to those bands.

WITTR is the most commonly ragged on band for being a "hipster black metal" band and they're not on Kemado.

All of those bands get hated on just because some Pitchfork worshiping tool decided they were cool.

Does Kemado even have any metal bands aside from Saviours and The Sword?
I only get the hatred for WitTR because they have hard-leftist political views (They're members of Earth First!), whereas the perception of the genre is hard-right politically.

I think Kemado is out of business.

meanwhile, back to Avenged Sevenfold. They're a politically hard-right Christian band. I heard Bat Country a few times. Kinda cool, but no interest in anything else they do. Cheers to Mike P for honouring a hero-worship by the dead drummer.
I only get the hatred for WitTR because they have hard-leftist political views (They're members of Earth First!), whereas the perception of the genre is hard-right politically.

I think Kemado is out of business.

meanwhile, back to Avenged Sevenfold. They're a politically hard-right Christian band. I heard Bat Country a few times. Kinda cool, but no interest in anything else they do. Cheers to Mike P for honouring a hero-worship by the dead drummer.

Okay, yeah they are more a right leaning band, but they only really showcase that on a song or two. If they did it more, I most certainly wouldn't listen to them most likely. However, they are not a Christian band. They've even stated they aren't a Christian band. Just because they've dabbled here and there with biblical references...does not make you a Christian band.