Mike Portnoy to play with Avenged Sevenfold

Avenged Sevenfold might not be a good band, and their pseudonyms might be more stupid than most black metal nicknames, but I think it's a nice think for Mike to do.

I suppose.
Maybe you guys know better than I, but has Portnoy ever really praised this band before this guy's death? Maybe he has and I don't know.

Though, if he's just coming out of the woodwork to gain exposure by being a part of the band, then a major F YOU to him. As I said, I don't know for sure. I just don't ever recall reading about Portnoy praising this band, and he does spend a LOT of time praising other bands.

Well, maybe even if he truly isn't a fan, and is just doing it because the drummer of A7X was a Portnoy fan, then that is cool too I suppose.

Just seems like DT antics over the past couple of years have been for the benefit of looking or appearing hipper, which is why this whole story reeks to me.
Yes, but read again.
So did Mike and whoever Zachy is, in the studio got tats.

Well, later he can just claim its an Overkill tattoo. Zachy is the guitar player. I think.

I didn't know Mike was into tattoos. But I don't know anything about him.

I'm still wondering if Mike will tour with them or not. Probably not due to all his other commitments.
I suppose.
Maybe you guys know better than I, but has Portnoy ever really praised this band before this guy's death? Maybe he has and I don't know.

Though, if he's just coming out of the woodwork to gain exposure by being a part of the band, then a major F YOU to him. As I said, I don't know for sure. I just don't ever recall reading about Portnoy praising this band, and he does spend a LOT of time praising other bands.

Well, maybe even if he truly isn't a fan, and is just doing it because the drummer of A7X was a Portnoy fan, then that is cool too I suppose.

Just seems like DT antics over the past couple of years have been for the benefit of looking or appearing hipper, which is why this whole story reeks to me.

I'm a hardcore Dream Theater fan, but I only recall him talking about them once, and as you said, he certainly loves to promote other bands. I don't know if Dream Theater is trying to get hipper as much as they're trying to be more metal, which I think is more due to Portnoy and to a certain extent Petrucci being big time metal fans way back when they were kids.
I suppose.
Maybe you guys know better than I, but has Portnoy ever really praised this band before this guy's death? Maybe he has and I don't know.

This was posted in MP's Hero of the Day thread at his forum. 10/23/2005

Portnoy said:

OK....I'm confused.

I always ASSumed from their image (and name) that they were some kind of Orange County Skate/Pop/Punk band (I assumed something like Blink 182 or Good Charlotte)....but then I saw one of their videos and I said "wow...these guys can play!"...so I picked up their new CD "City Of Evil" and was blown away!

I don't know the story on these guys...if it is trendy or uncool to like them, but these guys are great players!! (picture Paul Gilbert, Joey Jordison and Mike Patton putting together a pop/metal band!)

And they write some really cool, untraditional, almost proggy pop songs, but with catchy hooky choruses....I can't believe these guys are getting the commercial acceptance & exposure they are with a sound that sounds more like Iron Maiden meets DT than anything else that's currently on MTV!

I guess it proves never to judge a book by its cover!

I didn't know Mike was into tattoos. But I don't know anything about him.

I'm still wondering if Mike will tour with them or not. Probably not due to all his other commitments.

Wait, what? You didn't know Mike was that into tattoos? Have you seen his arms or legs? The guy has tons. He's had numerous interviews in various publications on his tattoos as well. http://www.heavy-metal.de/?id=11197
Ok, well that's cool, that he gave unsolicited praise to them a few years back.

Though come on, Iron Maiden meets DT???

That's a bit of a stretch! I have heard some of their tunes, and sure they throw in some metal leads here and there, but overall it is 100% commercialized hard rock at best.

Portnoy praises them which means a whole breed of prog metal fans will begin to justify how metal A7X are.

Oh, and Portnoy was right. This band did start out as a goth pop punk band, ala mid-period AFI.
Ok, well that's cool, that he gave unsolicited praise to them a few years back.

Though come on, Iron Maiden meets DT???

That's a bit of a stretch! I have heard some of their tunes, and sure they throw in some metal leads here and there, but overall it is 100% commercialized hard rock at best.

Portnoy praises them which means a whole breed of prog metal fans will begin to justify how metal A7X are.

Oh, and Portnoy was right. This band did start out as a goth pop punk band, ala mid-period AFI.

He's always said Dream Theater is part Iron Maiden and part Rush. I have NEVER seen Maiden in them what so ever. However, I have seen them having thrashy moments, especially in the last 7 years since Train of Thought. They're obviously influenced by the thrash bands in a lot of their songs, mostly Metallica though.

Before that though, they never were metal in my opinion. Thing is, they're a prog band more than most in that they have heavy songs, they have very light songs and everything in between, so I get people who don't think they're that heavy, depending on the songs you've heard. However, the majority of their tracks it seems the last 7 years or so tend to be more heavy than not, with some exceptions. Just my opinion anyways.

As for fans justifying how metal A7X is metal due to Portnoy...that's craziness. However, with how stupid some fans (especially A7X ones in particular) are, it wouldn't surprise me that they would think that. Though I have to say I did like their City of Evil album quite a lot but nothing else really. Ha! I do see some Maiden influence on that album with some of the guitar playing though.
I think he was just referring to the City of Evil cd which if you've never heard you'd be surprised that it's actually quite listenable and dare I say it....good.

I will take your word for it.
I guess I always lumped them with the zillions of other bands who in the wake of the success of Ozzfest remarketed themselves from either hardcore or punk to metal.

They don't need my dollar. They seem to be doing fine.
Wait, what? You didn't know Mike was that into tattoos? Have you seen his arms or legs? The guy has tons. He's had numerous interviews in various publications on his tattoos as well. http://www.heavy-metal.de/?id=11197

I kind of got over caring about the personal lives of musicians when I was... well a long time ago. I don't read interviews unless I'm trying to understand how an artist approaches music, composition or practicing.
I for one think that this is a great thing for both bands. Being a big fan of a7x and dream theater, im godamn excited to hear portnoy play with the a7x. And as for all you who think that for some reason a7x isn't up to par for Portnoy, you really dont know what your talking about lol. I've been playing drums and guitar for 8-9 years now, and there's no way a7x deserves the shit that they get no matter how gay their stage names are. city of evil was sick, and so was diamonds in the rough.

Also, lumping a7x in with all the other ozzfest wannabe metal bands is a huuuge mistake. Sinister Gates alone has more accomplishments than those garbage bands. Guitarist of the year like 4-5 times over, mainly for jazz guitar, as he plays in a hard rock band. But Jasonic, saying that a7x puts in some metal leads here and there is ridiculous lol. Listen to anything from sounding the seventh trumpet, or even waking the fallen. Both albums have numerous metal riffs that are very good, including the rev's trashy sounding drums to go with it. It makes for goood thrash punk rock.
I for one think that this is a great thing for both bands. Being a big fan of a7x and dream theater, im godamn excited to hear portnoy play with the a7x. And as for all you who think that for some reason a7x isn't up to par for Portnoy, you really dont know what your talking about lol. I've been playing drums and guitar for 8-9 years now, and there's no way a7x deserves the shit that they get no matter how gay their stage names are. city of evil was sick, and so was diamonds in the rough.

Also, lumping a7x in with all the other ozzfest wannabe metal bands is a huuuge mistake. Sinister Gates alone has more accomplishments than those garbage bands. Guitarist of the year like 4-5 times over, mainly for jazz guitar, as he plays in a hard rock band. But Jasonic, saying that a7x puts in some metal leads here and there is ridiculous lol. Listen to anything from sounding the seventh trumpet, or even waking the fallen. Both albums have numerous metal riffs that are very good, including the rev's trashy sounding drums to go with it. It makes for goood thrash punk rock.

Agreed. Outside of A7X's last album which was awful, outside of the Mr. Bungle wannabe song at the end, they're a good bunch of musicians, despite their appearance. The only thing I can think of is that due to M. Shadows voice, that most people write them off as another AFI type band, which I'll admit had me not liking them at first but then when I tried listening to them with an open mind, I dug it.
Agreed. Outside of A7X's last album which was awful, outside of the Mr. Bungle wannabe song at the end, they're a good bunch of musicians, despite their appearance. The only thing I can think of is that due to M. Shadows voice, that most people write them off as another AFI type band, which I'll admit had me not liking them at first but then when I tried listening to them with an open mind, I dug it.

yes I agree with that, Shadow's voice has put a lot of people off including me at first. I had to really listen to songs like M.I.A or blinded in chains to see that they were different from most hard rock bands. To me they have always sounded like a glamored up version of guns and roses, even as Shadows voice resembles Rose's.

On a different note, I wonder how much of Portnoy's old tricks will creep into A7X's playing? Like all those similar riffs he uses throughout Images and Words or Metropolis. I hope that playing with a7x forces him to come up with some beats we've never heard before, instead of the familiar ones that he changes and morphs the timings to.