Avianband.com now online!


Please excuse the spam, but I thought some of you would like to know that our website is officially on line: www.avianband.com

Please feel free to check it out and don't forget to sign our guestbook!
We will be adding (hopefully by tomorrow) a full version of one of the songs. In the mean time, the two minute sample of As The World Burns in available in the sounds page.

Yan :headbang:
eppst1 said:
Ahhhhhhh.... OK. Haven't talked to him lately, was just wondering.

Yep, I've been meaning to make a post about it. However, I've been kinda busy with the move down here to Atlanta and all. I hope you can forgive me. :worship:
MajorRager said:
Yan, the site is KILLER! \m/ It's a very nice layout... relaxing almost, lol. Worth the wait? :headbang:

Yes, Noah is no longer in Avian; if I ever run into him, some head are going to roll!

Just kidding!! Noah and I are still good friends and I'm sure we'll work together again sometime in the future. In fact, one of the songs we co-wrote together (along with Jonah) will appear on our follow up cd.

We've been getting tons of positive feedback about the site; so I'm very pleased. I asked Claus to design a site that is easy to navigate; I personally can't stand sites that make it a riddle to find stuff. So in answer to your quesiton; yes it was definitely worth the wait.


Happy 21st motha fucka!!!!


Congrats on getting the site up and running man. Seems like yesterday when we met at 3 AM in the Fairfield and now the albums almost out and available for consumption. Man does the time fly or what
Daybreaker said:

Happy 21st motha fucka!!!!


Congrats on getting the site up and running man. Seems like yesterday when we met at 3 AM in the Fairfield and now the albums almost out and available for consumption. Man does the time fly or what

Yeah typical Ben; wakes up the entire hotel when all he has to do is peek around the corner to find his buddy!

Yan :p
AvianGuitarist said:

The clip for Single Blade of Vengeance is now up. Check it out at the site (www.avianband.com) or here's a link:


Yan :headbang:


Gave the clip a thorough listen and overall I think it rocks. :headbang: The production, as well as the performance, is nicely balanced. The awesome vocals are seated perfectly in the mix. The guitars are loud enough to be commanding but not too over bearing. Great snare. Are you going to have the CD available at this year's PP? Looking forward to checking you guys out at the pre-party.

digitalink said:

Gave the clip a thorough listen and overall I think it rocks. :headbang: The production, as well as the performance, is nicely balanced. The awesome vocals are seated perfectly in the mix. The guitars are loud enough to be commanding but not too over bearing. Great snare. Are you going to have the CD available at this year's PP? Looking forward to checking you guys out at the pre-party.


Thanks for the input. We are trying very hard to get it out by Prog, its a little too early to tell right now but it will definitely be out sometime around then. We used a bunch of different snares, for that song I don't remember the exact one, but you're right, it sure sounds good ;-)

Yan :headbang:
I just listened to the Single Blade Of Vengeance track.

The only thing that I can say is that it is very fucking cool.

Looking forward to the new album and PPUSA pre-party even more than ever...

Rock on!
ashaman7122 said:
I just listened to the Single Blade Of Vengeance track.

The only thing that I can say is that it is very fucking cool.

Looking forward to the new album and PPUSA pre-party even more than ever...

Rock on!

Cool, thanks!

We've uploaded the final mixed and mastered versions of As The World Burns and Single Blade of Vengeance. Give'em a listen and share your thoughts.


(The first post never came up for some reason)