Avid Heat


Captain Insano
Feb 16, 2009
US of A
What do you guys think of the idea of Avid Heat? (press released today):devil:


I was lucky enough to hear some comparison mixes with and without and it's pretty killer IMO. This is probably going to be hotter topic on gearslutz, but there are a few Pro Tools HD users here.

Is it a game changer? Do you want to see it as a native plug-in in the future? (it's really processor intense, 9 tracks per HD card with HEAT on)

To be honest it just seems like an overly hyped up version of what we already have 1000's of other plugs for, and probably crazy overpriced to boot. That being said I'm waiting for the video to download at the moment, so I might be blown away.
To bad its Hd exclusive. Dave Hill designed it so it is for sure an awesome product. I don't know why they couldn't include this one with LE.

tbh I'm happy they don't include this in LE.

Every LE user is complaining why he can't have all the benefits of HD by paying only for a cut down version.

well, if you want the benefits of te top of the line system...you gotta buy the top of the line system.

that's like complaining "I don't know why they won't put the S-Class Mercedes Engine in the Smart" well, if your want a mercedes engine you gotta buy the Mercedes.

but I'm still with you in your sadness since I'm completely fucked in the ass with my PCI-X/PPC system.
I DO have PT HD but still have to buy a whole new system to use HEAT.
(I know, I've been complaining and pittying myself in 2 other threads already....I'm just so damn sad :( )
tbh I'm happy they don't include this in LE.

Every LE user is complaining why he can't have all the benefits of HD by paying only for a cut down version.

well, if you want the benefits of te top of the line system...you gotta buy the top of the line system.

that's like complaining "I don't know why they won't put the S-Class Mercedes Engine in the Smart" well, if your want a mercedes engine you gotta buy the Mercedes.

but I'm still with you in your sadness since I'm completely fucked in the ass with my PCI-X/PPC system.
I DO have PT HD but still have to buy a whole new system to use HEAT.
(I know, I've been complaining and pittying myself in 2 other threads already....I'm just so damn sad :( )

Well... I can agree in some ways but i still think the HD systems are ridiculously overpriced but i will for sure invest in one later down the road hehe. My wish now is that they lock up the voice restrictions so we/I can get away with just buying a core card and a Aurora, running the system like a native one.

But as you, im disappointed, was hoping for something mindblowing
Why do so many people care? It's one of the most awkward gimmicks to sell a set of hardware that has virtually no position to meet in the market place. It's just a saturation plug-in, even if it were the best thing in the world, you could still get multiple hardware units that do it better than the asking price of a HD rig.

Did everyone forget Nebula? You don't need an obsolete $11k dongle to get amazing saturation ITB.
I see that avid have also released some PT HD hardware, including the OMNI pre/interface.

Yup. Avid has some stats (dunno if they've released them yet) comparing the new units to converters like the Rosetta 800, the Aurora series and the old Symphony I/O and the Avid gear had a LOT less latency.

Lasse - Dunno if you saw this, if you have 8.1 and snow leopard (and Intel) you can try it for 30 days:

but I'm still with you in your sadness since I'm completely fucked in the ass with my PCI-X/PPC system.
I DO have PT HD but still have to buy a whole new system to use HEAT.
(I know, I've been complaining and pittying myself in 2 other threads already....I'm just so damn sad :( )

Sad German is very Sad

Why do so many people care? It's one of the most awkward gimmicks to sell a set of hardware that has virtually no position to meet in the market place. It's just a saturation plug-in, even if it were the best thing in the world, you could still get multiple hardware units that do it better than the asking price of a HD rig.

Did everyone forget Nebula? You don't need an obsolete $11k dongle to get amazing saturation ITB.

I don't think they made HEAT to sell HD rigs. It's just a cool new feature for those that have it.
Pretty ridiculous to say there is "virtually no position to meet in the market place." It's still the #1 system among pros. Everyone's making these absurd claims because they're upset it doesn't fit with THEIR needs or budget. Guess what, there actually ARE a LOT of people using PTHD and have no intention of switching any time soon. If any other DAW integrated a saturation plug into the mixer like this, everyone would be freaking out. But just because it's Digi and somewhat exclusive, it's automatically stupid.
It's like Lasse said, "if you want the benefits of the top of the line system...you gotta buy the top of the line system."

I think it all stems from a combination of pirating and the flood of cheap home recording gear these days. People have this expectation that they can hardly spend any money and have a pro studio. It's just not true... you still have to pay to get the best gear. Just because AT makes a pretty good mic for $500 doesn't mean a Neumann M149 should be the same price.
From what I gather Lasse has a HD rig and half the thread was about how he can't actually use this plug-in without upgrading. It may be the #1 system for pros in the US, but overseas other DAWs have more traction, and it's looking like Digi are positioning themselves to become increasingly more irrelevant to the semi-pro market (which, let's face it, is where music production is largely headed).

Can't speak for the others but I'm certainly not upset. This latest announcement has been elating actually. I've spent a measly $2k rigging together an ADAT-based RME system that's rock solid, and Digi's consistent path to failure just vindicates my decision to move away from their product line ever more.

Once again, HEAT is nothing new. Nebula has been doing this for ages, and Slate's VCC will soon bring it to every DAW that supports RTAS, VST and AU. It may not be integrated directly INTO the DAW, but with crafty session templating, it might as well be.
tbh I'm happy they don't include this in LE.

Every LE user is complaining why he can't have all the benefits of HD by paying only for a cut down version.

well, if you want the benefits of te top of the line system...you gotta buy the top of the line system.

that's like complaining "I don't know why they won't put the S-Class Mercedes Engine in the Smart" well, if your want a mercedes engine you gotta buy the Mercedes.

but I'm still with you in your sadness since I'm completely fucked in the ass with my PCI-X/PPC system.
I DO have PT HD but still have to buy a whole new system to use HEAT.
(I know, I've been complaining and pittying myself in 2 other threads already....I'm just so damn sad :( )

Is not PC system an option for you? There are some new motherboards which supports Xeon and i7 proccessors but still have PCI slot! So you can have a new PT software, and it will cost 1500-2000$ for a new PC super machine. but it will be windows platform. If you love mac os you could try installing hacintosh on it though )
yeah, that's exactly my problem...
I have a PPC with PCIx cards, so to install 8.1 I'd have to buy a new mac AND PTHD PCIe = 15k or something :(

Well, if you want the Mercedes S series engine and so on... ;)

Seriously, though, I really don't think you're missing out on that much. If the current rig works for you otherwise it's all good, and hey, your mixes still sound fucking excellent! :)
I don't think HEAT will have any relevancy for most of us here, myself included. However, the clips I've heard sound good, and it's obvious that Avid is staying the course with their HD market. I'm pretty sure they're well aware that it's all about low volume and high cost in that space. Right now there's a lot of big studios with old Macs and old HD rigs that will probably be looking to upgrade their systems soon, so the timing is good IMO.

The stupidest thing Avid could do would be to cannibalize the HD market with native. They'd literally be throwing billions of dollars away. Ultimately, there's a market that's willing to invest in HD, and while that market is definitely smaller now than it was a few years ago, it's still there and doesn't show any signs of vanishing.