Awakenings Piano


New Metal Member
Jul 19, 2008
This is my first thread and I was wondering if there are any partiture or any sheets for the piano parts of the song Awakenings (specially from 1:23 to 2:43 if posible) . It's a beautiful song and I would like to play it (or at least, try it). Please help me, I'll be very grateful.
Thanks! I'll check it out. I don't really trust so much in these Guitar Pro files but sometimes they're very well done. I totally agree about a Pinella's Piano Anthology some day. That'd be awesome!
I agree with you about the accuracy of a lot of Guitar Pro tabs, but even if some aren't too well-done, they at least can serve as a starting point.

It's hard to find keyboard music (and drum tabs) for Symphony X tunes, although guitar and bass tabs are everywhere. Some Symphony X songs have keyboard parts that I hear and instantly want to play (and I have NO idea how to even play keyboard). A trademark of the band's sound to me is when Pinnella will play a piano/keyboard part over a guitar/bass/drum groove, but P will be playing in a different timing. Such polyrhythms make Symphony X's songs far superior to others in their genre, in my opinion.
I write music from scratch in Guitar Pro all the time for fun. When I had a band, I'd work out ideas with it as well.
Currently, I have a 20 minute prog metal song written in guitar pro, with all instruments put into place.
I do this as well! I've had a few songs composed now for years.

There's so much I love about it. It's fun to hear a song come together as you create it, it's fun to show your ideas/songs to peoplea, and it also helps you learn a lot about music and builds your compositional skills. When I look back to the files I wrote years ago, they get trumped big time by my new stuff.
When I look back to the files I wrote years ago, they get trumped big time by my new stuff.

Exactly! The stuff I wrote back when I started writing (in like 2001) just sounds primitive and dated to me now. Everything was in 4/4, boring, repetitive, and had no texture.

I wonder if that's how Symphony X feels when people always ask them to play songs from the s/t and Damnation Game (not that I think those songs are bad).
Lol. This just started as a Awakenings Thread and it became a Guitar Pro tread!
Anyway, I made a cover of Awakenings intro so, please, hear it and give your opinion:

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Thanks, man, but I worked out most of the song a couple of years ago, polyrhythms and all :headbang: I know a lot of it by heart now, but I'd have to listen to it and study the song a bit more just to get everything solid.