Awesome Deathcore Mix


Jul 21, 2012
This is a project of mine that im doing with a friend. vocals are a bit loud. but i wanted them to be more present for this snippit. How does it sound otherwise?

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At the moment, the kick overpowering the mix. I like the sample though, shaping the rest of the mix around it could be a good idea. The snare currently lacks body and sustain... it's really trebly, so toning this down a bit and getting some room in could be a good start. The guitars lack a bit of body which could be probably fixed be using a touch more mids in the amp (and a touch less gain too, come to think of it), the OHs could use a more body (and the drums overall a bit of room), but the ride is currently way too loud. The guttural vocals sound a bit peculiar, maybe evening them out with more compression, saturation and even limiting (I often find myself smashing that kind of vocals to bits, just gotta be careful with the attack and release time on 1176-style compressors to make sure it's sounding good) would make them smoother. Once they sound smoother, a bit of delay and some slight reverb will go a long way in making them sit in the mix better.