Awesome Kick & Snare Samples w/SoundCloud Sample

ok guys, I took them down.

on a side note ITT I learned not to post good free stuff again. I've put a lot of work on these samples and I thought "just fuck it, let's post them for free" and all you're doing is bitching about it.
ok guys, I took them down.

on a side note ITT I learned not to post good free stuff again. I've put a lot of work on these samples and I thought "just fuck it, let's post them for free" and all you're doing is bitching about it.

seriously are you a sociopath? now youre trying to make us feel guilty or something? i dont even... :confused: also how long can it take you to slice 2 drum samples
Alright guys. I'm out. Meanwhile do some fucking research about transient dynamic copying and eq matching.
Hang on, so what happened here, is that someone took Slate samples, did some minor EQ, and tried to give them away?

Free or not, I don't think that's legal..
I haven't checked out the samples (I already have SSD4 Platinum lol), so he may not have even bothered EQing them :muahaha:

But yes, essentially that is what happened. And that is very illegal AFAIK

He didn't eq'd them he just extracted them from an Of Mice And Men album (as mentioned by Habsburgs ) and edited them (pretty poorly I might add) and pretended they were recorded by him then got through matching EQ (and "dynamic copying" lol) using the aforementioned album as a model, all this with stunningly accurate results as you can hear.

Either this guy is a genius (considering his apparent limited knowledge this seems pretty unlikely) or a pathological liar (hello Nick Scott).
And here's the result.

EDIT: Just listened to the samples. 110% without a doubt taken from the of mice and men record.

sounds exactly like one shots ive ripped off cds. the decay always sucks because you have such a small length to get the sample cleanly.

kinda lame but thanks for sharing them! Saved me the hassle of cutting them, hahaha


I'm a pretty technical ass dude when it comes to knowing the less creative/more EE side of mixing and my first thought was "transient dynamic copying?" what in the FUCK.

I didn't even google it because it so blatantly makes absolutely no sense, hahaa...

I think your'e super cool and all dude; haven't heard the samples but you are coming across in a not so flattering manner....

Id have replied with one, somewhat STERN reply to dispell the notion and ensure that these are my creations..that's it.

no need to sink to the haters level if you really haven't done anything wrong or pulled a fast one by taking credit.