The only reason people would panic is because they've been born into this. we all have, it's all we've known. Your're goddamn right people would freak out, because THEY'RE IGNORANT. when the word "share" or "community" is spoken people immediately associate it with communism or socialism, which are buzzwords these days and most people have no clue what those systems are. even though previous attempts at a resource-sharing community or sorts have all been corrupt non-attempts because of money, and their own ignorant greed. people want way more than they need, and the system we live in keeps that going to keep our economy going. our economy is not efficient. our manufacturing of good which fuels the economy is NOT efficient. we waste more shit than we create. I'll give you a quick run down of how things work at my place of employment (roughly how most manufacturing facilities work, i've managed a few and worked in a few...)
buyer buys raw materials based on what manufacturing has used in the past and what the "plan" has speculated for us what sales may be in the coming months. parts supplier ships to us via ups/fed ex/usps/domestic expediters (truckers, usually). manufacturing coordinates with sales, marketing. we build a run of stuff based on schedule and what the current demands are (mostly: SSL, SL3's, TTM57sl, TTM56s, and our new $3000+ "68"(which RIGHT now in this economy, we are FLYING BLIND AS BATS, no clue what's gunna happen and everyone knows it.) Sell Sell Sell. Sell some more. buyer orders more stuff cuz suppliez be dwindlin' 'n shit. we receive parts from multiple vendors/shippers/exp. from supplier (usually in jumbled incoherent batches because they ALL COME FROM CHINA/TAIWAN/JAPAN, sigh electronics... I help receive parts and the issuing of parts during the first half of the day and work with the manufacturing coordinator before i'm off to assembling, testing, and packaging the units.) check our inventory, and check with sales/marketing on what they have sold, and what we might sell. make a run of the not so hot units. buyer buys raw materials.......(INFINITE LOOP OF DOOOOOOOOOOOOM).
I forgot all the shit we throw away in-between steps. packaging materials (endless plastic trays used by manufacturers to store parts, tape, cardboard packaging materials, inserts, bags, sticky dots (used to seal package lip), sleeves, endless bubble wrap, etc. we try to use as much as possible be the man usually makes us toss it, to save $$$. and we are actually pretty good about waste compared to other places i've worked. People don't realize we have many other problems other than just fossil fuel, even though its a doozy. what about GARBAGE? many cities have run out of room and sell each other space to toss trash. what about technological unemployment? slowly our manufacturing and service industry (which was introduced because of peoples labor being replaced by machines...) are being replaced by automation. automation was invented so WE would have to do less work. but its only feed the manufacturing industry to be even greedier; instead of making a work day shorter, they fire people. replaced by machines. machines should serve people as they were intended, but instead we serve them. this system is FUCKED and isn't meant for the best interest of the public, or to be efficient. its meant to be wasteful and unrelenting in the pursuit of profit. If the system works so well, why can't most of the world feed themselves? they work their ass off to make shitty products for practically nothing that WE buy. Their country exploits them, so we exploit their country and that makes it right? what the fuck kind of logic is that. I could go on and on but I'll spare you all....
buyer buys raw materials based on what manufacturing has used in the past and what the "plan" has speculated for us what sales may be in the coming months. parts supplier ships to us via ups/fed ex/usps/domestic expediters (truckers, usually). manufacturing coordinates with sales, marketing. we build a run of stuff based on schedule and what the current demands are (mostly: SSL, SL3's, TTM57sl, TTM56s, and our new $3000+ "68"(which RIGHT now in this economy, we are FLYING BLIND AS BATS, no clue what's gunna happen and everyone knows it.) Sell Sell Sell. Sell some more. buyer orders more stuff cuz suppliez be dwindlin' 'n shit. we receive parts from multiple vendors/shippers/exp. from supplier (usually in jumbled incoherent batches because they ALL COME FROM CHINA/TAIWAN/JAPAN, sigh electronics... I help receive parts and the issuing of parts during the first half of the day and work with the manufacturing coordinator before i'm off to assembling, testing, and packaging the units.) check our inventory, and check with sales/marketing on what they have sold, and what we might sell. make a run of the not so hot units. buyer buys raw materials.......(INFINITE LOOP OF DOOOOOOOOOOOOM).
I forgot all the shit we throw away in-between steps. packaging materials (endless plastic trays used by manufacturers to store parts, tape, cardboard packaging materials, inserts, bags, sticky dots (used to seal package lip), sleeves, endless bubble wrap, etc. we try to use as much as possible be the man usually makes us toss it, to save $$$. and we are actually pretty good about waste compared to other places i've worked. People don't realize we have many other problems other than just fossil fuel, even though its a doozy. what about GARBAGE? many cities have run out of room and sell each other space to toss trash. what about technological unemployment? slowly our manufacturing and service industry (which was introduced because of peoples labor being replaced by machines...) are being replaced by automation. automation was invented so WE would have to do less work. but its only feed the manufacturing industry to be even greedier; instead of making a work day shorter, they fire people. replaced by machines. machines should serve people as they were intended, but instead we serve them. this system is FUCKED and isn't meant for the best interest of the public, or to be efficient. its meant to be wasteful and unrelenting in the pursuit of profit. If the system works so well, why can't most of the world feed themselves? they work their ass off to make shitty products for practically nothing that WE buy. Their country exploits them, so we exploit their country and that makes it right? what the fuck kind of logic is that. I could go on and on but I'll spare you all....