AWFUL news from the Gulf.

Based on the fact that I know people who are involved in the clean-up and remedial efforts on this disaster I'm gonna have to inform you that this stuff simply isn't true. If you have any questions on whats going on (I unfortunately don't know much about the clean-up efforts) as far as what caused the initial explosion and leak, and whats being done to fix it, I'll gladly fill you in with as much detail as I can. No bullshit either, I knew people on the rig at the time of the explosion, and I know people who are in the Gulf right now working to fix the problem.

edit: As far as whether this gives me credit or completely discredits me - I work in this industry, for one of the comapnies involved, doing field work that is directly related to this - so I have direct experience.
I think this picture is all the evidence we need:

BP is trying MASSIVELY to keep this out of the main stream media but with the oil finally hitting shores it is getting very hard for them.

If BP was trying so desperately to keep this whole thing under wraps, would they really show this seafloor collapse on their live feed and then pretend it didn't happen? Come on.
Actually they took the feed off and looped previous live feeds right after this happened and acted as if it was normal. For a while there were 3 feeds up. One was on a news station website, the BP website, and the CNN website. At one point yesterday they were ALL completely different and were ALL supposed to be live feeds. No time stamps either until today.
I have been watching the feed on the site the last 20 minutes and the depression in the sea floor is visible and there is oil seeping out of the depression. Last time I saw the feed none of this was here and the pipes were not in such a jangled mess.

EDIT: It is blatantly obvious when you compare the spew volume of a week ago to the spew volume in the live feed now that something bad has happened.
I have not been following the live feeds (mainly because they're not going to be showing anything of any great value). From what I understand, the cameras are not even focused on the BOP and are instead focused on the smaller leaks in the middle and at the end of the riser. Again none of this is official, but more than likely what you're seeing is test injections of drilling mud into well in preparation for the "top-kill." You're likely seeing the drilling mud flowing out of the riser mixed with oil and gas.
As far as the hole you're concerned about, I remember reading that the riser had been partially buried. The floor of the sea in this area is essentially a thick mud, so more than likely the ROVs at the floor had to clear away some of the mud in order to work on the riser or the flow from the riser itself cleared away some of the mud - hence the depression you see in some of the live feeds. I don't know the exact schematics of the well so for me to speculate on any casing wear would be irresponsible, however I would say that if the flow being dealt with is coming up the annulus from the prodcution string then the conductor (which would be at the 300ft depth) would not be seeing the type of pressure needed to erode it that quickly. Although I'm not entirely sure what this blogger means by "at an annulus (coupling)" - he has his terms confused and I can't quite figure out what exactly he's referring to - a joint in the casing? A liner hanger?

edit: They're more than likely going to cut the live feed to remove the ROVs from the immediate area during the kill attempt. This only makes sense as a precaution if something goes wrong - no point in risking multi-million dollar equipment that you need to assess the situation and possibly make repairs just so people can sit at home and watch it on TV.
As far as the hole you're concerned about, I remember reading that the riser had been partially buried. The floor of the sea in this area is essentially a thick mud, so more than likely the ROVs at the floor had to clear away some of the mud in order to work on the riser or the flow from the riser itself cleared away some of the mud - hence the depression you see in some of the live feeds. I don't know the exact schematics of the well so for me to speculate on any casing wear would be irresponsible, however I would say that if the flow being dealt with is coming up the annulus from the prodcution string then the conductor (which would be at the 300ft depth) would not be seeing the type of pressure needed to erode it that quickly. Although I'm not entirely sure what this blogger means by "at an annulus (coupling)" - he has his terms confused and I can't quite figure out what exactly he's referring to - a joint in the casing? A liner hanger?

edit: They're more than likely going to cut the live feed to remove the ROVs from the immediate area during the kill attempt. This only makes sense as a precaution if something goes wrong - no point in risking multi-million dollar equipment that you need to assess the situation and possibly make repairs just so people can sit at home and watch it on TV.

It actually has been seeing the pressure to erode it this quickly. There is sand and sediment from the sea floor blowing through this at very high pressures. It is the combination of the high pressure and the sand and rock particles from the sea bed that is eroding it.

They were worried about that from the very beginning.

EDIT: I really hope you are right about this though. I don't know if anyone can imagine the damage that would occur if this gets any worse. It could be likened to a volcano of oil on the sea-bed.
I was just saying that its more than likely that if there was going to be casing wear (which I'm sure there is) that it would be seen in a lower string, where the pressures are high, the weight rating of the casing lower, and the walls thinner. Should have clarified - but like I said - its hard to tell what this blogger is really trying to say.
Doesn't matter shit's all fucked to hell anyways. YEA LETS DRILL IN FUCKING WATER GUIZE! O GRATE IDEA BRO!
Doesn't matter shit's all fucked to hell anyways. YEA LETS DRILL IN FUCKING WATER GUIZE! O GRATE IDEA BRO!

That's very constructive... and ill-informed.

We, the Norwegians been doing it in the north sea for decades now, with nothing even close to anything like this happening.
It really is a matter of knowing what you do, and taking the necessary precautions in case something do happens.
It's clear that bp wasn't even remotely prepared for anything like this.
If it had been Statoil (the biggest Norwegian oil company) that had been drilling in the gulf, the problem wouldn't have been nearly as severe.
That's very constructive... and ill-informed.

We, the Norwegians been doing it in the north sea for decades now, with nothing even close to anything like this happening.
It really is a matter of knowing what you do, and taking the necessary precautions in case something do happens.
It's clear that bp wasn't even remotely prepared for anything like this.
If it had been Statoil (the biggest Norwegian oil company) that had been drilling in the gulf, the problem wouldn't have been nearly as severe.


BP is notorious for being overly stringent on safety issues when it comes to their contractors (one of which I happen to work for) but will cut corners when it comes to their own decisions.

I did some schooling with two offshore workers in the North Sea - one from Norway and one from Holland. Awesome dudes.
That's very constructive... and ill-informed.

We, the Norwegians been doing it in the north sea for decades now, with nothing even close to anything like this happening.
It really is a matter of knowing what you do, and taking the necessary precautions in case something do happens.
It's clear that bp wasn't even remotely prepared for anything like this.
If it had been Statoil (the biggest Norwegian oil company) that had been drilling in the gulf, the problem wouldn't have been nearly as severe.

While this is true, it doesn't address the TRUE cause of this matter. We have to get rid of our reliance on FINITE fossil fuels in an economy ran by INFINITE growth.

Why take the risk of drilling in high risk situations when there ARE SO MANY ALTERNATIVES FOR CLEAN, RELIABLE, AND FREE ENERGY. I can answer that question for you but I will leave it to you to answer it for yourselves. The time has come that we will have to change or face the consequences which could be NASTY.
Why don't they drill in a few spots around the vicinity, set Wells up on those and lessen the pressure at the point of fuocus so they can seal it? Divert the flow to different points so it isn't going full blast through the hole they got now...? Is it not slightly logical?