Awsome obscure live clips


From the holy kingdom of Harmonia
Aug 7, 2002
Stockholm, Sverige
I (admittedly pretty lazely) searched, and didn't find any but If there already is a thread like this feel free to lock this, otherwise:

There are lots of cool and obscure old (and newer) live clips from bands on youtube and I thought a thread were we can post and showcase them would be great!

I'll start with a few classics (I hope atleast):

Scald live, Agyl showcasing why he is a legend. Hail to England cover ftw!

Godflesh live, the whole concert is on youtube but this is probably my favorite song from it, the sound is so brutally awsome.
I just wish the sound and picture quality of the following clips were better, but what can you expect from bootlegs from the eighties/early nineties? At least one can still feel the energy.

Fear of God (original line-up) playing "Betrayed", "Coming Down" (unreleased song) and "Drift"