best video clips

Thunderstone - Virus
I think the video is great, and the guitar solo shot, mounting the camera from the head of the guitar, is awesome.

Darkane - Innocence Gone
I don't like Darkane all that much, but this might be my favorite metal video of all time. . .the black to white/white to black room change is the coolest thing I've ever seen.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Originally posted by Iron-Flames
Britney Spears - Hit Me Baby One More Time and Oops I did It Again, when she is laying down...oh god.

what??? u mean her boobs r like totally flat??? :lol:

Anyway my pick is Kittie - What I Always Wanted...:) :) :) ...
Originally posted by _Zsuzsa_
YEAH! That was a great add in it, Alexi all tied up hehhehehhehehhe :p :p :p *evil thought lurks in my mind*
:tickled: Yess this is one of the best part of the video hmm best video clips for me are all from Cob the "for you' by my dying bride and one from cradel of filth born in a burial gown.. all i can really think of right now.