Axe-FX includes a "borrowed" IR?

I mailed Cliff Chase about the issue and it was from a "my impulse collection" rar, that someone had posted somewhere. Maybe even on this forum.

Here's what he wrote to Wild Hades/Alu:

"Hello Alu,

I'm the president of Fractal Audio. I was alerted to this post by one of my customers.

I can confirm that the impulse in question is probably yours. I indeed found the impulse response online in a large collection of impulse responses on a website. I don't recall the website but it might have been the Andy Sneap forum but I'm not sure. The name of the file is simply called "Impulse Responses" and I don't have any records as to where it came from. It has 100's of IRs in it that someone obviously put together.

Since it was public domain I figured it could be used freely. There was no copyright or other information contained with the impulses.

I never intended to steal anyone's impulses or infringe on any copyrights whether explicit or inferred.

At your discretion I can either remove the impulse from the firmware or leave it and credit you in the release notes.

I'm sorry for any implied misdeed but I assure you this was not done consciously. For what it is worth the inclusion of the impulse does mean that I thought it sounded good.

Thanks for your understanding,
Cliff Chase
Fractal Audio Systems"

So, whenever you do an "Impulse collection", keep the damn release notes if there's one.
Interesting, and good thing he replied. Also cool of you to investigate in it TheDude.

Aye, there should always be some sort of release note in those things... and I really hope people who repackage them and reupload them don't delete them! It's so ungrateful :(
Only thing that bothers me, Couldn't Alu address this issue straight with Fractal Audio ? Everyone would be better off in the end i guess, oh the internet drama, how entertaining thy be :Smug:
Seems like a simple misunderstanding, and that Fractal Audio is trying to work it out with Alu. No reason to make drama out of this. I wish Alu and Fractal Audio the best!
Just replied to Cliff, asking him to remove the IR from the firmware.
All should be fine in short, I guess...
I think the problem is those IR packages we find over the web that are packaged without any info or credit to the authors. Then shit happens... and then the authors stop making them... then we are fucked... and then... well, that's enough 'cause I think I made my point.
But isn't it still a bit sketchy that he's using unlabled IRs from the internet?
i mean if i payed out a small fortune for a piece of gear i'd like to think that its not just gonna have re-packaged public domain stuff in it.
it kinda comes across as a bit lazy.

or maybe i'm crazy, who knows?
The Driller wrote : But isn't it still a bit sketchy that he's using unlabled IRs from the internet?
i mean if i payed out a small fortune for a piece of gear i'd like to think that its not just gonna have re-packaged public domain stuff in it.
it kinda comes across as a bit lazy.
or maybe i'm crazy, who knows?

YOU'RE RIGHT ! He shouldn't use unlabeled IRs for 2 reasons. First, it would prevent mistakes like the one that arrived with Alu ; Second, doing so is not really "clean". I find it shocking that some commercial people allow themselves to sell softs using "unknown" stuffs downloaded on the net. Making money with the work of unidentified people is really non ethic (sorry for my english)

So The Driller : + 100 for your comment
I totally agree with TheDriller and Dandelium. The Fractal audio team have really stepped over the line in this case. When you're selling a product you can't just assume things you find on internet, in this case an IR, is for free. It's simply wrong no matter how you look at it.

EDIT: and since I was a bit slow I also agree with VALAIVE :)
Because it's a high price piece of gear, and they don't even bother making their own IR's, and just grab whatever off the internet. That's why. "Sketchy" is putting it mildly.