AxeFx High Gain Rock Tones


Mar 16, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Hey, Hoping to get some help from some fellow Axefx Users.

I've been using an AxeFx Standard for a little over 6 months now. On the whole Im pretty happy with it. A particular heavy rock project Im working on atm requires a pretty meaty sounding rhythm tone, think Porcupine Tree or Karnivool style.

Im having trouble controlling the presence of most of the amp models. Its seems as though if the bright switch is on, I keep getting a really harsh upper mids, almost sounds like some kind of top end clipping. Its a bit hard to describe, Its almost as if the amp has 'squark' sounding characteristic, However I seem to be challenged getting enough attack and it seems to sound somewhat muddy without the bright switch on.

I must be doing something wrong though, because I've never heard of anyone having this issue before, after some serious research.

Do you guys have some kind of Order of operations when dialing in tones? For instance Do you dial in a particular Go-To cab and tweak the amp from there ect ect

The most frustrating thing is that I know what these machines can do, Im just a little lot where to start with it all! Any experiences or help Greatly appreciated.

it's all a matter of right tweaking and having the right instrument pluged in.

"with the bright switch on it's too bright and with the switch off it sounds muddy"
sorry bro, to me this sounds like you don't even care to go deeper into tweaking.

i often change minimal things and get really different tones out of the axe,
you just have to sit in front of this little black box and turn the knobs for a while.
i do this while the axe is hooked up to my pc using the PC editor, it's much more
comfortable this way.

it's all a matter of right tweaking and having the right instrument pluged in.

"with the bright switch on it's too bright and with the switch off it sounds muddy"
sorry bro, to me this sounds like you don't even care to go deeper into tweaking.

i often change minimal things and get really different tones out of the axe,
you just have to sit in front of this little black box and turn the knobs for a while.
i do this while the axe is hooked up to my pc using the PC editor, it's much more
comfortable this way.


Ok Cool.

Are you using all stock cabs aswell, or do you think its essential for custom IR's?

You wouldnt have any Clips of guitars only I could listen to?
most of the time i use one single custom IR. it's a diezel 4x12. i can upload this one if you want.
you can get nice tones with the stock IR's also, as i said it's all a matter of tweaking and going really deep into this.
i'll upload a clip later, can't record anything atm :)

here's an older recording where i really liked the tone.
maybe it comes somewhere close to your "meaty sounding rhythm tone"


another, a bit punchier sample Clip2

Yeah they sound awesome! Really digging the top end in them, particularly the first clip.

Wouldn't mind sharing patch info/details would you? :D

thanks for the help.
i also like to blend the internal "4x12 cali" IR with the linked one, gives me a more raw and agressive tone :)

the main secret in dialing in the axe is playing with the extra parameters.
i often use a drive (TS808mod) block in front of the amp for some extra punch in the mids (turn gain down and tone up)
i also use the built in HP/LP in the drive block and set it to extreme settings (see patch) then i add back some of the frequencies
using the amp tone controls. this helps to clean up undesired frequencied BEFORE these hit the amp distortion. helps a lot to get a punchier
and more defined sound IMHO.

I had a good look into your patch man. It was really good!

I noticed a really obvious things that you had in there that i was a bit to afraid to do like depth on 0 ect ect. Made sense.

I'll try post up some clips shortly of my success.
