This whole situation really reminds me *somewhat* of Israel- Palastine... I hope to god, goat or who ever: that it will NEVER get to that situation.
I've had the same thoughts as Azal for some time now. I think it's wise to see through the rhetoric and try to be pragmatic. The problem is that the whole thing is so deeply entrenched in the national psyche that attempting to be pragmatic about something so inherently emotional usually results in a smash to the face.
My hope is that the international community (especially NATO and the European Union) responds sensibly in a way that can attempt to pacify, or at least quell, the more radical movements, while at the same time slowly facilitating European integration for Serbia. Timescale wise this is generational. Like Azal said about his mothers feelings, it's something that can only be blunted with time. Whether that happens or not, I can't say.
and to answer Will's "question," I still feel that it is better here than in the U.S. because I am experiencing life and revolution first hand as a journalist rather than hanging out in the diner's and in front of quick check/wawa's and talking about my Iroc.
but it's whatever floats your boat.
On a sentimental note, Serbia is a wonderful country and Belgrade especially has such a wealth of culture, history and beauty that I hope things get resolved peacefully.
I hear ya.
I've come to a point in my life though, where I "experienced" life way too much from first hand, that I decided to go 6000 miles away as far as I can...
Who knows, maybe that 'experiencing life' bug will hit me again...
I was totally being sarcastic and whatever, not trying some holier than though shit or shitting on the American dream or whatever, I'm just saying that for some people, insecurity is better than boredom.
we actually are opposites, you ran away from trouble I ran into trouble.
though, if you want to be a journalists, your best bet is living in a country in turmoil, job security ftw
It does if you strap it to an emo kid who suicide bombs the Serb government center.