Azal, wtf is going on in Belgrade?

I still have that. Glenn made it, however, so you must praise him too.


and to answer Will's "question," I still feel that it is better here than in the U.S. because I am experiencing life and revolution first hand as a journalist rather than hanging out in the diner's and in front of quick check/wawa's and talking about my Iroc.

but it's whatever floats your boat.
hahaha i think your american experience might have been slightly tainted by Jersey
It's not really a question that can be answered.

As a Serb, the love for Kosovo as the place where the Serbian culture was born, where battle were fought for centuries and where 12th century Serbian churches stand (even though I'm an atheist), cannot really be denied or compared to anything American's can related to, since they do not have a comparable heritage, they don't have a mythology. (unless you want to count Holywood)

There is too much history behind all this to waste time writing about it on a message board. Some say Kosovo was lost because of Tito, some say it was Milosevic.

I, unfortunately, look at Kosovo as a bum leg. Despite how much I would like to have a leg, and how much I need a leg, how much this leg and I have been through, at this point it is better to amputate that shit before the gangrene spreads any further. A lost cause.

Unfortunately, some politicians here would rather keep the leg and stay getting head from a small but vocal number of girls who admire stubborn and blind faith than cut it off...ok I can't really finish the metaphor, I think I've stretched it to the limit.

god damn. you hit that right on the head.
btw, Azal, i didn't know you're a jounalist... what's your main cover- subjects?

I work for a news agency, just like the Associated Press or Reuters, but a smaller one. Pretty much just hard news is covered, stuff that has a global interest like politics and big sporting events, and sometimes curiosities like cows getting sentenced to prison and stuff, whatever you expect people will want to read and pay for on a non-local level. We cover most of the Balkans; Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Albania, Bulgaria.
It's not really a question that can be answered.

As a Serb, the love for Kosovo as the place where the Serbian culture was born, where battle were fought for centuries and where 12th century Serbian churches stand (even though I'm an atheist), cannot really be denied or compared to anything American's can related to, since they do not have a comparable heritage, they don't have a mythology. (unless you want to count Holywood)

There is too much history behind all this to waste time writing about it on a message board. Some say Kosovo was lost because of Tito, some say it was Milosevic.

I, unfortunately, look at Kosovo as a bum leg. Despite how much I would like to have a leg, and how much I need a leg, how much this leg and I have been through, at this point it is better to amputate that shit before the gangrene spreads any further. A lost cause.

Unfortunately, some politicians here would rather keep the leg and stay getting head from a small but vocal number of girls who admire stubborn and blind faith than cut it off...ok I can't really finish the metaphor, I think I've stretched it to the limit.