B52 AT100


Mar 29, 2006
Warrensburg, MO
Any B52 users? My friend comes in with one (At 100 trimode rectifier), and says "Here take it":kickass:
I swear to god, people just drop shit off at my studio and don't ask for anything! This amp sounds fucking great! And there is nothing wrong with it! Just as much gain as a Mesa dual rec! I looked around for the B52 site, and came up with nothing. Anyone know who the parent company is? I'm also looking for schematics and manual. Thanks.
Any B52 users? My friend comes in with one (At 100 trimode rectifier), and says "Here take it":kickass:
I swear to god, people just drop shit off at my studio and don't ask for anything! This amp sounds fucking great! And there is nothing wrong with it! Just as much gain as a Mesa dual rec! I looked around for the B52 site, and came up with nothing. Anyone know who the parent company is? I'm also looking for schematics and manual. Thanks.


B52 + Amps Google is mighty you know?



i went to guitar center to try it out.

I must say i was pretty freaking impressed by the sound, but my other guitarist has solid state head and has had problems and our singer has b-52 PA system and guess what its in the shop cause it blew up!!

I heard there made with cheap stuff and from what Ive seen so Far with people and b-52 i think i would save a few extra hundred and get peavey or something. Shoot my head the peavey ultra plus sells for same price used as a new b-52 and i have yet to be able to kill my amp and Ive even spilled beer on the tubes and all inside and only had to replace fuse. Also this kid knocked my cabinet and head over when moving it and guess what works fine still!!:headbang: :kickass: :headbang:
That Peavey Ultra is a bitchin amp. Yeah Peavey makes solid shit. Check this AT 100 out! I can't vouch for their other prouducts, but this one is the real shit! The only drawback is the two gain channels share the same eq.:loco: For live shit, that would be lame, I guess. I always use one channel all set anyway. It gets a bit too hot, though. I've put a fan blowing on it to cool the bitch down, but man am I impressed. It's well worth the money I have in it $0.:lol: It is worth the new price of $699 though. Definately!
I want to put up clips, but I have dial up.:cry: It took a couple of hours to get the last one uploaded, and I would get "bumped" off right before the finish, so I stopped trying.:lol: I'm in a rural area, that is a bit behind the technology. As soon as I upgrade to high speed, I'll have an album's worth of riffs to post.:lol: This B52 is really a slammin head though!
yea i tried the amp and was pretty impressed with sound. Actually thought it kicked ass. My friend uses a engl poweball and we both went together and were both stunned with how its just screamed. But i still feel its built cheap and it would end up breaking if you tried to gig a lot or put any real abuse on it. For a practice amp though were you never moved around much OMG i would take one!! I though about it for recording it being a rectifier, but i would rather have a mesa rectifier or peavey 5150 if I'm gonna put that kind of money out!
What about that samples Gnash, i´m waiting to hear that samples, haha
im thinking on buy one in a few months
i have a b52 at 100 head, and a matching stereo cab with vintage 12 inch alnico speakers in it, and i think it is real sweet, i had a ultra 60 and sold it to buy this amp. the ultra 60 was bad to the bone and i miss it, i am working on a ultra 212 and i modded the first cap values in the preamp board and changed to some sweet tubes, i changed my b52 head to 60's rca 6550 tubes and 12ax7 flatplate preamp tubes and it is metal tone like you wont believe, good tubes and i have a mesa here.
bumping a 6 year old thread with a first post should be an insta-ban

Well, in their defense: maybe being n00b, they didn't catch the date?

I'd think the rules should be more harsh if someone has been posting here for years and necro-bumps a thread. I think we have someone here that's been doing that, actually.
Well I mean if the thread is locked and still has room to continue later on then that would be difficult.

But in this case I feel like a good bitch-slap would be appropriate.

Past necro-threads I've read I start thinking "why the hell is Josh talking about an- Oh wait this thread is older than I am LOL"