Bach Ripoff - Fool's Paradise


New Metal Member
Mar 24, 2003
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I think we can all agree that symphony x rules, and the pinella/romeo combo is awesome. but the more I listen to classical music, the more I hear blatant rippoffs, similar to yngwies constant use of bach themes.

I was listening to Murray Parahia plays bach ( keyboard concertos nos.1,2&4)
and the long solo breakdown in fools paradise is an exact copy from Keyboard Concerto No.1 in D Minor (BWV1053) at around the 5:00 min mark. check it out for yourselves. I was quite saddened by this, since neither Romeo or Pinella gives credit for this in the liner notes, and it's always been one of my favorite solos.

It's not much of a big deal I guess, but I thought it was worthy of a thread.
Beelzebub said:
Whats you're point? I know this, and the use of Mozart's requiem is extremely obvious, but not something as obscure as the bach concerto, which was given absolutely no credit, and this wouldnt be obvious for most people who don't really delve that deep into classical music. Still, I'm not busting Romeo or Pinella's chops or anything, just pointing it out so everyone could have a chance to listen to the original.
Beelzebub said:
My point is that based on what Mr. Romeo said, he realizes his mistake and credit will be given in the future so people won't complain.
and I'm not complaining, simply pointing it out so (like I said before) people can have a chance to listen to the original score.
Also a friend of mine just told me that Damnation Game is a classical piece too, he said by Mendelssohn, I'm looking through a bunch of midi's trying to find it, I dunno if it's true or not though, anyone know?
so what? Symphony X took the classical excerpts and made them into metal masterpieces.

It would be cool if they would give credit, but I don't think any modern musician NEEDS to because classical music is not copyrighted or something.

I feel that it's not that S-X is ripping off classical artists, it's just that they love the classical music and like to make awesome music with it.
acejhb said:
Also a friend of mine just told me that Damnation Game is a classical piece too, he said by Mendelssohn, I'm looking through a bunch of midi's trying to find it, I dunno if it's true or not though, anyone know?
Your friend is wrong.....

The complete list of classical pieces symphonyX has used: (I have written this so many times)

Damnation Game = "Solfeggieto" by CPE Bach
Dressed to Kill = Prelude in C minor BMW 48 by JS Bach
The Divine Wings = Mass in B minor by JS Bach + Mars by Gustav Holst.
Smoke and Mirrors = Mass in B minor by JS Bach.
Sonata = Second Movement of Pathetique Sonata by LV Beethoven.
Prelude = Requiem by Giuseppe Verdi.
Fallen = Concerto for Orchestra by Béla Bartók.
Lacrymosa = Requiem by WA Mozart.
A Fool´s PAradise = Harpischord Concerto in D minor by JS Bach
Inferno = Summer (3rd movement) by Antonio Vivaldi.
Awekenings = Prelude num 24 in D minor by FF Chopin.

Hope this help.
Luis, would you mind posting the times that these occur in both the symphony x song and the classical piece? I'm looking all through mass in b from JS and it's huge, can't seem to find anything that resembles smoke and mirrors.
Thanks for the list of classical-music references. :)

Personally, I'm not bothered by their use of symphonies. For starters, they ARE in the public domain, and secondly, I think they should NOT list their "references". Why not leave it as sort of a game for their fans, to figure out which is which? Maybe it's just me, but I think it's more fun that way.
Years ago, I started off my first published review of Symphony X with the line

"The Masters would be proud." And I sincerely believe they all would be proud and ecstatic to know that segments and influences of their fine works are being incorporated into this style of music by these talented players. I admire these guys for their ability to do it so well. BTW, Luis...when are you going to release your solo CD? :cool:
I know I am going to get flamed for this but, it kind of erks me a bit. I know it's part of their style and everything but it just seems disrespectful to me in a way. What I mean is that alot of people don't treat classical music like they would treat new Adagio album or anyone else for that matter. For example you would Romeo put part of the solo for Highway Star in there, even thought it is not in public domain and classical is. I would like to hear what Michael Romeo could write in an orchestral since. What would you rather hear Dimmu Borgir rip-off Beethoven in a song or hear another orchestral piece by Mustis.
Luis said:
Inferno = Summer (3rd movement) by Antonio Vivaldi.

The Four Seasons is one of my all time favorite classical peices, and I've transcribed parts of it for guitar. I don't hear Summer *at all* in Inferno. For one thing, Inferno is written in Phrygian Dominant, which was a tonality not used in Baroque times at all, plus theres alternating measures of 7/8 and 5/4 in there...also not in the 3rd movement of Summer.

I know what part you're thinking of, but I'd hardly call it a lift from the 3rd movement of summer. Possibly an influence? Romeo describes the intro as "moto perpetuo-esque" in the limited edition Odyssey liners, so I'd be hesitant to even say that.