Back again


Skyfire wants you!
Nov 27, 2001
Lund, Sweden
Finally back from the studio!

The mixing process took about two days and everything turned out great. The keyboards are not as high as in TD and the production is much better in general.

I will have to talk to Hammerheart before we put some clips up on the the web... just to check that it's ok with them.

Some titles are "Dawn Will Break", "Shapes of Insanity", "Euphoria" and "The Clouds Lie Silent"

The rest haven't been decided yet.
gr8 to see u back online man and even more so to hear that everything went well. bit of a bummer having to wait until April for MR, but i guess good things come to those who wait.

So, congrats on successfully recording ur second album guys :headbang:
Originally posted by stargazer
Finally back from the studio!

The mixing process took about two days and everything turned out great. The keyboards are not as high as in TD and the production is much better in general.

GREAT NEWS!!! maybe i'll d/l samples and maybe i'll buy album... if this news is true :p
awsome..cant wait to hear it...damn thats along time to wait..
and do you guys know if you gonna make any vids off this album?
that would rock..although modems blow hard..hehe

@SD: yap looks as if we drew a blank oh the songs oh well.
Edit - The question I had here was already answered :lol: All three of them...stupid me :p

Actually, I have another. Do you write any of the music besides your bass part in the songs, Jonas?

Actually...this was kinda answered too :eek: But I'm going to leave it up just in case.
Do u like have a "jamming day(s)" or is it just like pick up the old guitar and be creative as and when??

and is there ever times when Andreas is playing and u just want some quite :lol: not implying that what he's playing is bad, u just wanna give it a rest???
fuck i never would. i love to hear talented people jam. and if you did get sick of it you could just put on some headfones with some nice calming new age music playing hehe.
No jamming days. Mostly it's just Andreas sitting by his computer with his guitar. Sometimes he starts with some keyboard stuff and sometimes it's a guitar riff.

I can get sick of him playing but I never complain because I want what's best for the band. I just shut his door and put on some music. But right now he hasn't played at all since we got back so it's very quiet at home. Except for a few Mind Revolution spins of course ;)
cool, sounds like u've got a gr8 arrangement going there.

so are the band members the only people to have a copy of MR so far?? i bet people are pressing their ears to ur doors and windows trying to get an early listen :lol:
Hey man, welcome back!
How's everything going?
I haven't seen you on ICQ lately, tell me when you're on! :)
Originally posted by Sadistik
Hopefully the guitar harmonies are not as buried as the last time around?

I know that on TD, the guitar harmonies sometimes were hidden behind the keys but this time its completely the other way around. The guitars are dominating "the sound picture" and the keys (most of the time) work as a compliment to them to create a greater atmosphere. Due to this, we´ve also managed to find a heavier sound overall. :Smokin: