Back from the Dead (Septic Ashes mix song)


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
I dug this one up again to have a play around with a mix of a full song with all real instruments instead of the programmed drums, etc... that I usually play around with. For those that don't know, this was a full set of tracks posted here a while back for anybody to mix. The song is called Dictator by Septic Ashes.

I am after some help/feedback on the mix. Low end is usually a problem in my mixes (among other things :heh:). I reamped the guitars with my 6505 for one version and Rev for another version. Which guitars sound better? What needs more/less volume? etc... Any feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks. :kickass:



Windows firewall might report a blocked popup when trying to download the files, the blocked file is actually the mp3.
Hey man.

I think the first thing on the 6505 version is that the guitars need to be hollowed out a bit in the low mids. After you do that, you'll find the mix will breathe a lot more and you'll have more room to fatten up the drums. The kick and snare definitely need more balls. Take it from there and see how you go.

If you need a closer reference to what im talking about I can try to send you my own mix of this song that I did years back when it was posted.
1 and 3 sec - I heard some noise, on guitars I think.. or it's normal? I usually try to avoid such unpleasant moments