Septic Ashes tracks

Thanks dude. In the future I should probably try to work more with the original sounds. As time wears on, I really feel like I'm cheating by using samples I know will get the job done.

Nice mix Moonie! And a cool reverb on the snare!

Auright, I finished my mix too. Man, I was like a kid in a candy store when I read that the Vox tracks are online, haha. I was so looking forward to finish this mix!

The guitars of my mix are a blend of the shure tracks and my reamped Pod tracks. The snare is about 50/50 natural/sampled, i´m not entirely happy with it but it came out pretty good.

Here it is:

Nice mix Moonie! And a cool reverb on the snare!

Auright, I finished my mix too. Man, I was like a kid in a candy store when I read that the Vox tracks are online, haha. I was so looking forward to finish this mix!

The guitars of my mix are a blend of the shure tracks and my reamped Pod tracks. The snare is about 50/50 natural/sampled, i´m not entirely happy with it but it came out pretty good.

Here it is:


Sounds good! a bit "machineish?" drumsound? but it has good punch! isn´t there some melody files missing on the Chorus?
Sounds good! a bit "machineish?" drumsound? but it has good punch! isn´t there some melody files missing on the Chorus?

Thanks! Maybe a bit machineish yeah. Should have used more samples for different velocities (or less sampling all the way haha) but it´s alright :)

Yeah! Those missing tracks are the "leads" that people are talking about, i guess :) The chorus melody and the bend thingies following the chorus. Could you up them too?

Even if you didn´t upload the melody-guitars, it feels sort of completed anyway. So... I wanna thank you of these tracks! It´s been a great practise Ronnie!

By the way, somebody might be interested how I treated the vocals. To make them a bit more aggressive-sounding I doubled the vocal track and put a distortion on the new track. Then I put it silent enough so the two tracks together didn´t sound distorted. It´s like parallel compressing but with distortion. I used the distortion because it kind of makes the track more shouting-like bringing up the high harmonics or whatever :)

That's cool slinky. Yeah next time maybe mix it up with some varying samples.

And yeah, we were also not given the melody files. I don't have them in my mix either. But it's all good. It can more or less be called complete.
Yeah the vocals do, but IMO the main vocal line is a bit weak for the track. It's a bit of an awkward range to be singing in for the entire thing, especially since the track is so heavy. Once the dubs come in with the lower harmony, then the shit really starts to sound good.
Yeah the vocals do, but IMO the main vocal line is a bit weak for the track. It's a bit of an awkward range to be singing in for the entire thing, especially since the track is so heavy. Once the dubs come in with the lower harmony, then the shit really starts to sound good.

+1, kind of disappointed w/the vocals myself..