Back in love with my MF400 cab


Aug 2, 2007
Rectifier V30 cab vs Marshall MF400 K100 cab.
Thought you guys might be interested in this test.
I used Reamp Zone's brilliant Slipknot DI tracks for this.
TS808>Triple Rectifier>Cab>57>API mic pre.
Go to my soundcloud and download Wav files to listen properly.

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Glad your rekindling your love of this cab! I certainly like the MF400 cab better in this comparison with this song. It sounds thicker, the V30 tone is cool too just not as ballsy. I think they are very different flavors and you could definitely justify keeping them both around. Really digging this tone.
AFAIK, the K-100 is what was used in that mix originally, wasn't it? They might sound "familiar" with that song.

I dig how the Recto sits in the mix better, but the Mode Four sounds cool as well, just a touch too dark.

Where do you usually point the mic with those bigger dustcaps on the K-100's?
Thanks guys.
I send pink noise to the amp and sweep the mic until it sounds right so I don't know where it in relation to the dust cap.
Probably just outside the dust cap. I'm off tomorrow but will shine a torch in when I'm in the studio on Saturday. I left the mic up today.
I might try pushing more presence next time.
The mf400 is a great alternative to the recto.
I was going to sell it but did one last test today.