Back with 'Humility' after ages


Mar 6, 2007
Hey guys,
I've been away from this forum for a while now without any reasonable excuses. Moving across the planet, starting a new job and learning to operate in Australian society.
Anyway, I haven't worked on any projects that I've felt were worthy of uploading here for you guys until last night (proceed with caution).

I'm not sure what inspired me but I'm happier than steaming hog poop in a frosty glass that inspiration finally came and wanted to share this tune with everyone.

Same as always, from me:
pod xt pro > big bottom patch for all guitars
ezdrummer programmed with fruity loops
mixed in nuendo 1.5 with heaps of free plugins thanks to this forum.

Soundclick Streaming Audio Link

I'm curious how you folks find this to sound
thank you very much
Cool song dude, pretty moody at the beginning and that crazy stuff after that part, love the pinch harmonics in it!

About the mix, nothing much really.. i would say the snare is a bit too dry, it has enough reverb, but it might need more wetness from compression imho.
Bob!!! Long time, man!!!
Thanks for the feedback and for the support. Now that listen with your comment in mind, I hear what you mean and that hi-hat sticks out like a severed thumb.
I might cheat and throw some compression on the stereo drum track (I bounce down the drums pre-mixed out of fruity loops and import the single track) and maybe 'get away' with taming the snare peaks that way...
sorry for the ramble...
You were the one who inspired me to learn about recording and so your input means a lot to me.
anyway, Thanks a tonne, man!!!
First impression: You are inspired by Gojira heavily. (the intro in particular, and the overall sound)

Second impression: You are also inspired by doom metal to a certain extent. (when everything came in, and some melodies could be heard)

Third impression: Even more inspiration from Gojira. (when the song picks up, the pinch harmonics, the double kicks, the dragging of the pick across the strings, the drum fills)

Conclusion: The first two "stages" or impressions of the song were OK, it still felt like you could do something out of it but when the third impression hit me, it kind of felt TOO much like a Gojira song. Honestly, if this was on Gojira's MySpace as a new "demo", I would 100% believe it was a new upcoming Gojira track (well, maybe their production would've been a bit more polished :)). So... say, have you had inspiration from Gojira? If you say yes, then it's no strange that it turned out this way. However, if you don't even know who Gojira are, then this is one hell of a coincidence hahaha :) Getting the mood, the power, the rhythm and the pinches/other-guitar-percussion-type-of-stuff pretty much exactly like them is not easy, and doing that without any inspiration from those guys... well, the chance is slim I'd say.

Anyway, the vocals would determine a lot of the final "feel" of this song. Say, what kind of vocals do you have in mind? Screamy, yet clear, almost borderline to scream/clean vocals, that follow the chords fundamental tone, ala Gojira? :D

This is just my feedback, not some bashing :D Good job with the production and playing!
First impression: You are inspired by Gojira heavily. (the intro in particular, and the overall sound)

Second impression: You are also inspired by doom metal to a certain extent. (when everything came in, and some melodies could be heard)

Third impression: Even more inspiration from Gojira. (when the song picks up, the pinch harmonics, the double kicks, the dragging of the pick across the strings, the drum fills)

Conclusion: The first two "stages" or impressions of the song were OK, it still felt like you could do something out of it but when the third impression hit me, it kind of felt TOO much like a Gojira song. Honestly, if this was on Gojira's MySpace as a new "demo", I would 100% believe it was a new upcoming Gojira track (well, maybe their production would've been a bit more polished :)). So... say, have you had inspiration from Gojira? If you say yes, then it's no strange that it turned out this way. However, if you don't even know who Gojira are, then this is one hell of a coincidence hahaha :) Getting the mood, the power, the rhythm and the pinches/other-guitar-percussion-type-of-stuff pretty much exactly like them is not easy, and doing that without any inspiration from those guys... well, the chance is slim I'd say.

Anyway, the vocals would determine a lot of the final "feel" of this song. Say, what kind of vocals do you have in mind? Screamy, yet clear, almost borderline to scream/clean vocals, that follow the chords fundamental tone, ala Gojira? :D

This is just my feedback, not some bashing :D Good job with the production and playing!

i think there is more Isis, Cult Of Luna, Neurosis like inspiration than Gojira ;P
i think there is more Isis, Cult Of Luna, Neurosis like inspiration than Gojira ;P

Must admit I haven't listened to Cult or Neurosis, but I have listened to Isis and I still stick by my first post :) All the "criteria" to become a new Gojira song is already there in my opinion (and believe me, I have listened to Gojira since like 2000), so that justifies my feedback to say that I think it sounds too much like Gojira.

Of course, one cannot simply go to Gojira's MySpace and just listen to one of their songs and say "Nope, it doesn't sound like them". You have to listen to their old songs, and all of them... to pick up the essence of Gojira :)

I'm sorry for the Gojira talk in here, I didn't mean to steer this into a discussion of "OMG you sound too much like someone else, now redo the whole song or defend your creation and prove everyone wrong!". All I wanted to do was to give my feedback and say it reminded me of Gojira TOO much, that is all :)
Re: Gojira - You got me there, man!!! I've loved Gojira's music from the first listen... although I haven't been listening to them as long as you have. And I can definitely see what you mean because the more I played and opened myself to the music, the more I was reminded of Gojira's style. At the same time I was a bit worried that it sounded too much like a cross between new Celtic Frost combined with Gojira. Of course I defnitely didn't mean for it to come out the way it did, I didn't have any set idea in mind when I began to write this song.
Now that I think about it some more, the production style was probably triggered in my subconscience by the essence of Gojira as you stated in one of your posts.

I'm glad you guys are enjoying this, though. Obviously by no means is it 'top notch' recording skills but I'm happy with the way it sounds overall the more I listen to it and compare to older recordings.
Still in search of that 'holy grail' of recording, but thats life isn't it?
Thanks again everyone!!!
Haha np dude, I'm glad you took my feedback positively, and that is what I meant with it too.

I just KNEW there was Gojira in your mind... I'm too skilled to not spot a piece of Gojira when it's there in someone's music ;) ;)

Trust me, I've had this problem too... some of my older stuff were drawing towards Gojira but luckily I caught myself after a while. It's weird how blind you get sometimes... but then Devin Townsend came along and fuck my mind up and down twenty times so my influences shifted radically. At the moment, I'm being pulled by so many great bands' influences, so it's impossible for me to sound anything like any of them when I'm constantly inspired by all of them at the same time. I'm loving this state I'm in right now in music :p