Bad news on Dynazty


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Dynazty will not be performing tomorrow.

Three of the members of the band are here. Two remained behind and hoped to rescheduled for today. Despite assurances by the Swedish consul earlier this week, one of the band member's visas was not delivered. The band waited at the airport yesterday in hopes it would arrive prior to the flight. We attempted to get an emergency issue today and failed. Needless to say, the band is devastated. Please support the band members here and help salvage their trip by showing the type of family we are. They will continue with their signing session on Saturday evening at 9:45pm The show must go on.

Unleash the Archers will now perform 5p-6p. Dragonland will now perform all of the material that was cut last night due to time constraints plus other stuff from 3:30-4:30.

I have never experienced a year like this. We will make arrangements to deal with all the new USCIS bullshit being thrown at us this year.
Damn. I was hoping the live show would land me amongst the fans.

For what it's worth I appreciate all of the insane juggling you've done this year in particular. What a shitfest has been handed to you and we'll still have a good fest of it.

Hopefully I'll spot a Dynazty member to show them some love.
Very disappointing. Hopefully you'll rebook them for a future fest. I'm stoked for more Dragonland, though.
you still made this one of the best festivals ever, Glenn!! I appreciate all the hard work you and Jen put in that we will NEVER know or understand