Badass Soundtracks/ Scores (MANY, MANY VIDS)

Carpe Mortem

Benevolently Batshit
Aug 21, 2013
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Guess I posted too many but definitely click on the links that didn't load, got an excellent Shinobi song on there and some other stuff.
Movies: Fellowship Of The Ring soundtrack, obviously

Games: Morrowind, other Elder Scrolls, and... HEROES OF MIGHT AND MAGIC III.

This better give you a fantasy boner

Also, in before someone posts a John Williams clip that I can just listen to by listening to the original work it probably came from (from the 19th century).
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Halo has always been respectable. Heroes of Might and Magic was tight and reminded me of the harry potter score, also good.

Gotta rep this song

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^ Nick cave and Warren Ellis are the tits. 'The Proposition' is really good too.
But the very best is 'The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. ' I would link the track 'Song for Bob' but am unable to do so at the moment.
That whole Dracula score is excellent.... except for Annie Lennox. Blearghhhh.

And Baldur's Gate.

And Spongebob.

And on that note, Quentin Tarantino's soundtracks.
I really like Clint Mansell's stuff. He did the music for Black Swan, A Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain… basically most of Darren Aronofsky's films.

Hans Zimmerman is great too. He did the soundtracks for The Lion King, The Dark Knight, Inception etc etc.
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I don't usually go much for the medieval or Celtic thing in video game soundtracks so it may be mostly nostalgia, but I seriously get teary-eyed listening to some of the Lords of the Realm 2 soundtrack (especially the overworld music).

Especially the tracks at 0:44 and 3:38

And Crusader: No Remorse had a badass soundtrack, one of the best MOD-format ones out there.

Total 80's-style cheese, but it fits the mission perfectly, where you raid a cushy corporate HQ, blowing out glass block windows and vaporizing countless civilians still sitting in their swivel chairs, from the front receptionist's desk to the deepest cubicles.

And all the classic Castlevania games had great music (even the newer ones have some pretty great songs), and I thank the Submerged City song from Super Castlevania IV for making my transition into Atheist a bit smoother. I mean, even the password song is amazing.

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