BALANCE OF POWER Split With Singer, Commence Work On New Album


In the attic
Jan 3, 2002
BALANCE OF POWER have parted company with vocalist Lance King.

The band, who have recruited an as-yet-undisclosed "internationally-known" singer to replace King, have commenced work on the follow-up to "Perfect Balance", due in the spring on Massacre Records in Europe and Avalon Marquee Records in Japan.

Tentatively titled "Heathen Machine", the upcoming CD promises to be a "steamy, inner space exploration, visiting the darker side of our most base emotions," according to an official press release.

Among the cuts set to be included on the effort are "Chemical Imbalance", "Just Before You Leave", "I Wish You Were Here", and "Heathen Machine". The band are forging ahead in their time-honored fashion with songs written by Tony Ritchie and Pete Southern and production duties being handled once again by Lionel Hicks at Pod Studios.
I heard about this. Has anybody heard about who the "undisclosed internationally known singer is?

Anybody get Lance's take on the split. I'm not totally surprised. It's got to be hard to do shows when your an ocean apart and Lance has his hands full with producing records, guest spots and his label.

It's a damn shame though. Perfect Balance is still one of my favorite releases and easily the strongest thing BofP has done.
I heard about this as well...I loved Lance's voice and I think it is shame he left, whatever the reason. I haven't a clue who is taking his place, but I'm curious to find out!

Maybe it's Michael Kiske :lol:

I have Ten More Tales...and love it. Is Perfect Balance that much better? If it is..I'll surely pick up that as well. Also, one of my absolute favorite tunes ever is "Do you Dream of Angels" (a friend sent that to me via mp3. How's the album that track is on?
Oddly enough, I hadn't heard this news until now. Other than the info on the new album, nothing about Lance leaving has been posted to the band's mailing list, nor have I heard anything from the band personally. Anyone care to give a source? Not to say that the news is false, I'm just curious where you found out.

This fuckin sucks!!! They were such a great band, and in my opinion will never be Balance of Power without Lance King. All I can say is thank you Glenn for allowing me to see them at least once at Prog Power II!!! They were awesome. Anyway, if you still want to hear his great voice, then get Defyance "Transitional Forms". An incredible album, juts released a few months ago with Lance on Vocals. Power progressive metal, similar to BoP. If anyone is interested, I have an extra sealed copy for sale for only $12 including shipping!!! Let me know.
I too recommend the new Defyance for fans of BoP and previous Defyance. The marriage produced the best Defyance release yet.

The song mentioned above, "Do you Dream of Angels" is from Lance's debut with BoP, called "Book of Secrets". It too is an excellent disc. I think it is fair to say that if you like any one of the three BoP discs with Lance on vocals, you will like the other two.

Personally, I like "Ten More Tales..." best. It seems most polished of the three to me. "Savage Tears" is a pretty dark ballad which I just love from that disc.

"Perfect Balance" picks up where "Ten More Tales..." left off, but is a bit more agressive and not quite as complex. Still a great disc though.
I got the news in a press release from Liquid Noise Productions Limited. I see they posted it on the website as well.

On a cheerier note, I got an email from Lance that he is the proud papa of a healthy baby girl born on 1/2/03....congrats lance.
Originally posted by zinescene
I got the news in a press release from Liquid Noise Productions Limited. I see they posted it on the website as well.

On a cheerier note, I got an email from Lance that he is the proud papa of a healthy baby girl born on 1/2/03....congrats lance.

I see it on their site, now. I was just informed on their mailing list, too. Sucks to see Lance go...

I just got that e-mail from Lance, too. Congrats to him!:)

Originally posted by The Fiddler

Personally, I like "Ten More Tales..." best. It seems most polished of the three to me. "Savage Tears" is a pretty dark ballad which I just love from that disc.

Yes, "Savage Tears" is a great song. Perhaps my favorite BoP song along with "Blind Man".
Oh God no!!! Enough of him. I honestly do not think they could ever replace Lance. That is "One Voice" that was simply outstanding. What a shame. Did anyone get the reason for the split???
Originally posted by nightwish58
Oh God no!!! Enough of him. I honestly do not think they could ever replace Lance. That is "One Voice" that was simply outstanding. What a shame. Did anyone get the reason for the split???

I have not been told any reasons for the split that can be made public at this time. The band will release further details/news in the near future.

It is sad news, and I'm really bummed about it. On the bright side, we'll still have Pete and Tony's great songwriting for BoP, and Lance has done some excellent side projects that we'll hopefully be hearing more of.

As for Jorn... He's a great vocalist. I love what he's done with ARK, Masterplan and his solo band. However, I don't think he'd fit well with BoP. Of course, I'm speaking as someone who knows BoP, but has never met Jorn, so I could be way off...

This is bummer news, as I thought the last 3 discs with Lance were awesome.

I think BoP will still be a force to be reckoned with despite the loss of this great singer as they are so talented musically, it's just that it will be in a different way.

My gut tells me that either Glynn Morgan or Damian Wilson might be this mysterious singer. They're from the UK, so it would make sense to get another bloke.

I wonder if this will put Lance King into the running for the vacant Steel Prophet position....hmmm
Holy Shit! I didn't even think of Damian Wilson!!! That would be awesome. I know I'm contradicting myself, but he is one of my all-time favorite singers. Wounded Land from Threshold is just simply incredible. Hey, I never said they would suck now, I just said they won't be the same w/o Lance's stellar vocals, but Damian would be a pleasant surprise!
Wow, congrats for Lance on the new baby! Major bad news about him parting from BoP though :cry: I love that band! The only consolation is that I'm sure their new vocalist will be just as incredible as the rest of the band! *crosses fingers* Oh, anyone know when we'll find out the name of the new vocalist? ((sorry if it was already mentioned, I may have missed it))

Originally posted by sh0kr0k
Oh, anyone know when we'll find out the name of the new vocalist? ((sorry if it was already mentioned, I may have missed it))


No news on the new vocalist as of yet. I'm expecting to find out relatively soon, though.

FTR, while I did meet him and seemed like a great guy, I don't think Jorn would fit well with BoP either... I guess I'm going to have to go listen to some older Threshold now to check these guys out, eh? :)

This was taken from the BOP mailing list... here's what Lance had to say to all the BOP fans about his departure:

Date: Thu Jan 16, 2003 1:53 pm
Subject:My Departure

Thank you for all the well wishing BOP fans out there,
The reason I hadn't posted about this was quite
simply, I didn't think it would come to this.

However since the band has made this decision,
I'm now on to other things that I've done or am in the process
of doing musicly, I've just released a new album
with a great prog-metal band called DEFYANCE entitled

Soon to follow is the new MATTSSON album POWER GAMES
It will be out on Lion Music in Europe and KING RECORDS in Japan.

Then the new FABIO ROCHA's SHINING STAR (yet to be titled)
This will be released in South America March/April on FRONTLINE
This one sounds quite a bit like Balance Of Power from the

also A TRIBUTE to ULI JOHN ROTH that will be coming out
on LION MUSIC to Europe and KING RECORDS Japan
in April.

These will all be available at Nightmare records as imports
with the exception of DEFYANCE -Transitional Forms which is
on Nightmare Records for the USA.

OK, I've pumped my new stuff, now I would like to wish all the BOP guys
the best of luck and future success with their band, And very much like to
thank you the fans for your continued support!

Lance King
