

ὁ δύσκος λύκος
May 14, 2008
I am receiving an unwelcome gift from my mother's father. The hair has started thinning quicker than before, and the shower drain clogged for the only time in the five years I have lived here. It is thinning around the crown, and completely fallen out in the upper right temple, which has caused un-even oiliness.

While there is ample precedent in the subculture for shaving one's head if the hair thins too much - Rob Halford and Kerry King come to mind - my concern is the perception that comes with it. Long hair is often seen as a sign of allegiance to the scene and also may signal what music one might like, in the same way a mohawk may signal one is into punk.

I suppose I am over thinking this, but I think the best bet may be to grow an epic beard before removing the hair so that I do not look too out of place. Any insight into this matter would be appreciated.
i understand your pain... i started losing my hair at 15... im 19 now, guess how much hair i have now. anyway if youre lucky, like me, you look good with a shaved head. and yes, after shaved my head... people did look at me differently. i remember when i was at a concert... nobdy got in my way when i way trying to get to the front lol. and people may be less likely to start fights with u. i also grew a beard, a light one, because i love beards. but if u just show that your a nice guuy or whatever then your fine. no one is going to think your a nazi or anything... jjust tougher. and just because youre going bald, doesnt mean u need a beard though. i see plenty of skin heads without beards and they look incredibly tough. dont sweat it, if u dont have hair, thats too bad. get into shape( if u arent already) and people will overlook your baldness. many women, including my gf love shaved heads and find them sexy. pretty much the older u are the less u have to worry, if u r my age... most girls like guys with hair. anyway just get into shape dude, seriously. at first you'll be depressed or whatever but youll get over it. trust me, i did.