The Hair thread

I've got to agree; also, a good brush does wonders. Some say you're not supposed to brush your hair in the shower, but I rarely have problems (the only breakage I ever get is due to me trying to untangle with a shampoo/conditioner combo and water, the brush cuts out the middle man and gets things done a lot quicker and cleaner - then again, my hair is extrmely straight, so it might not work for you).

Also, brush from the bottom up.
Any tips for dealing with really thin hair? It gets knotted like none other.

I have really thick hair and I get knots so fucking easy, getting rid of them is like a genuine challenge.. I usually end up losing loads of hair every time I brush it and for some reason it's still thick as fuck.
Hah. CAIRATH looks like my ex.

My hair is really thick, its pissing annoying.
Also, I drank to much last night and now it has marmite in it, lolwut.
Its shoulder length now; I had it cut really short a couple of summers ago by a friend when we were wrecked. I miss my undercut too.
I regret it so much - it won't grow past my shoulders now. ;<<



My hair kind of grows to the side at the front... which means it turns into an emo fringe when I try growing it long. Which is shameful.

So... I keep it nice and short (usually 5 or 6mm long...)
Any advice on growing it long and brutal?
My hair kind of grows to the side at the front... which means it turns into an emo fringe when I try growing it long. Which is shameful.

So... I keep it nice and short (usually 5 or 6mm long...)
Any advice on growing it long and brutal?

Mine does the same thing. I'm hoping once it reaches a certain length it'll even itself out more.