Band I Recorded - Mesa Dual Rec


Jul 18, 2007
Brighton, UK
Yo guys, recorded this band today and I'd love to get some feedback on it...


Drums - Triggers, quantized by hand, then replaced with samples from AD,

Cymbals - Natural.

Bass - DI + Ampeg SVX

Guitars - Mesa Dual Rec.

Vocals - Audix i5 for screaming, Bluebird for singing.

This is pretty much the first time I've properly got a chance to mic up an amp, so it's not the best guitar tone ever. But I'd much appreciate any input anyone can give me. Squeeler Final.mp3

Updated mix - squealer.mp3
id bring down the reverb on the screaming vocals a little little bit
and bring down the cymbals a little

but the sound its really good
First off all, this doesn't sound that bad and you did a good job on getting a pretty in your face brutal mix. BUT.. The guitar tone sounds a little too thin IMO. The vocals also need to blend in the mix a little more naturally. BTW what's that intro from? Sounds like the South Park episode making fun of Indiana Jones..?
Haha, yeah the band don't take themselves 100% seriously so the autotune thingy is a bit of a joke :p

And yeah after listening with fresh ears this morning I agree on the cymbals and the vocal reverb needing to come down a bit. Cheers!

What would you suggest to make the guitars sound a bit fatter? And also with the vocals? At the moment I think they're a bit loud tbh, and like the zeronaut said they're a bit too reverb-soaked. What else could I do to make them sit better?

And both of the samples in the song are from the film deliverence.

Cheers dudes.
Maybe position the mic a little differently to get more beef out of it. Try turning down the vocals and easing off the reverb like you said and see what kind of results you get.
great sound Scissors61.:p
could you share ampeg svx preset and post-process?

i have LTD EC-404 and i like your bass sound and i´d like to get similar tone.;)
I'm not 100% sure on what cab it was, but it was a mesa cab. And there is a track of just the amp on each side, and then another track of the amp with a tube screamer on each side. double tracking with the TS sounded a bit bright, so we did a track of non-TS as well.

Unfortunately I can't change the mic position now as I don't have the dudes amp here. I might shove a few re-amped pod tracks in the background though to make it sound a little bit fuller.

Ampeg SVX was just on the "dark dist" preset, and I added a PSP VintageWarmer after it and just kicked the drive up pretty high. Then I might've given it a bit of a mid boost. That was about it on the bass.

I'll post up an updated mix once I get a chance tomorrow.

Cheers for all the feedback and nice comments guys!
I'm not 100% sure on what cab it was, but it was a mesa cab. And there is a track of just the amp on each side, and then another track of the amp with a tube screamer on each side. double tracking with the TS sounded a bit bright, so we did a track of non-TS as well.

Unfortunately I can't change the mic position now as I don't have the dudes amp here. I might shove a few re-amped pod tracks in the background though to make it sound a little bit fuller.

Ampeg SVX was just on the "dark dist" preset, and I added a PSP VintageWarmer after it and just kicked the drive up pretty high. Then I might've given it a bit of a mid boost. That was about it on the bass.

I'll post up an updated mix once I get a chance tomorrow.

Cheers for all the feedback and nice comments guys!

you only use compression for bass with PSP VintageWarmer, could you upload screenshoot of PSPVintageWarmer settings.

thanks, and again, that sounds very good for me.:D
Yeah sure dude:

I'm listening on only half way decent headphones, but based on what I'm hearing I'm digging it! Musically it's catchy with the random autotuned vox and synths, but good metal between. And a sub-drop :D
Cheers guys :D I gave the guitars a bit more of a low-mid boost and pulled back on the treble. In addition to this I pulled the bass up slightly in the mix to make the guitars sound a little bit fatter.

I've also taken a LOT of the reverb off of the screaming vocals and I think they sound much more in keeping with the rest of the mix now. And finally turned the overheads down :p

I actually don't own any overhead mics so we used the really cheap (around £60 for a pair) Samson ones that the band had, and I was pretty surprised that they didn't sound like COMPLETE shit. I'll obviously have to look into getting some (slightly better) overhead mics of my own for the future, but I'm relatively happy with the way this track panned out.
Sounds pretty good to me, I think the snare could do with less mids but that is just an opinion thing because it works really well as is. The clean vocals were cracking me up, that was hilarious :D
thanks man!
and only record DI bass track, you apply ampeg svx with dark dist and finally those settings with vintage warmer, nothing else????o_O

and...could you give more info about mix process?
it sounds really great, amazing. congratulations.