Band I recorded


New Metal Member
Aug 8, 2006
This is the first band I have recorded. I'm using a PC, with a MOTU 828 MKII Firewire for recording. I used SP C4 for over heads, ATM29 under the snare, ATM25s on the two biggest toms, and Alessis DM5 on the kicks. I used a 421 and an atm23 on the guitars and bass. One of the amps is a Blue Voodoo, and the other is a Boss GT8 thru the Clean Channel of a Bogner Uberschall, the bassist used an Ampeg SVT Pro III.

Please give me your opinions.


Take Care
Listening now...

First impression (right off the bat) I hate the kick sound. The toms sound muffled like hell. The guitars sound decent...a little to quiet for my tastes. The vocals could stand to come down a bit. Why is the snare so weak? Compress it a bit and bring it up man.

Not a bad foundation, could stand some work though. Please don't take anything I say personally, it's just my opinion on the mix being presented. From a listener standpoint, as in, if I didn't know anything about recording, it sounds decent. But since I do know a thing, or two :p, about mixing it sounds like a pre-mix or something.

The guitarist that was using the GT8 had a Halo 7 string guitar and the stock pick up had more bass than a bass guitar pick up! :hypno:

Thanks for the reply elephant-audio! Please I need more like this so I can get better.

Take Care
Jackal - more than likely he has different tones he uses or something...I dunno...I wouldn't even look at my PODxt Live and think of putting it in front of an Uberschall if I had one, :lol:.

hm can't download! And about the Ubershall: That is pure blasphemie (sp?)!!!
If the guitar is to bassy just EQ it with the GT8 or use a TS model or something like this!