band is looking for Miss May I style tones, am I close?

Pretty damn good, I will admit. Snare needs more high end, sounds a little muffled. Bass and guitar relationship needs more improvement. Playing is a little off, I can hear some issues with timing. But overall pretty solid.
Thanks for the replies guys. Yeah I noticed the guitar/bass arent gelling to well. And I'm. It sure if they'll do as many blast beats as MMI haha but I hope so!

Those are the "detuned toms series" from the Joeystrugis website.
Updated the mix in the OP!

*I put some more high end in the snare and sucked out a little bit of 200h of the guitars and bass so the snare wouldn't sound as buried
*Worked more with the guitar/bass glueing (hopefully i didn't make it worse)
*And I'm pretty sure I fixed the timing issues.

Give it another run through if you have time and let me know if your ideas helped. I think they did and it sounds better. BUT, my ears are beyond shot and right now a blender full of rocks would probably sound amazing to me. So anyway, peep it if you get a chance.