Band logo.


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
I know some of you guys design logos and shit. So I was wondering if someone wanted make a logo for me and my friends project. The name is Beholders of Death. Just make it fucking evil.

Thanks in advance.
the guy in the fffffffffffffuuu- comic strip would make a kickass logo


I know some of you guys design logos and shit. So I was wondering if someone wanted make a logo for me and my friends project. The name is Beholders of Death. Just make it fucking evil.

Thanks in advance.

why not just make that fag billy mays be on your band logo
Thank you for your help everyone. The Butt sent me one that I kind of like.

The guitars and bass are all recorded in a rough track so it doesn't sound that good unfortunately. Later, (being tonight, or the next couple of days) I'm going to record some vocals maybe with it also.