Band Name


Oct 14, 2001
ok, ladies and gentlemen, another thread for your fun!

I just ask you all to post some serious posts among other paranoic ones, ok? I don't ask too much, do I?

I want to create a band.
Which name would you suggest?

I know, some dudes, like that angry robot, or FatherVision with Final_Vic will come up with something like "Pillow Biters" or "Alligator Masturbators" but hey, I'm ready to bear 1000 useless posts per 1 serious. :lol:
ok, i'll post some useless ones :D

what about "at the flames of tranquillity..." err how did it go on, FV?

hm... first i would like to know what kind of music you want to create. the fluffy bunnies for example wouldn't be all too cool for a NY-hardcore band...;)
Hey, I'm not an angry robot (despite my avatar), maybe a bit hungry at the moment, I'll visit the kitchen after posting this. I'm the adorable rogue robot!!!!!

A name for your band? It's so unpolite from your side to request serious without offering a percentage of the benefits when you'll become rich and famous, but my altruism will help ya.

I don't know what kind of band you'll create, so I must to suggest some names without defined direction in its style. What about "Inspired by Wisdom"?. Or something more short and stronger: "Infuriated".

(If you're creating a black metal band, the names are so easily to find: "Infanticide" or "Killing the dog of my neighbour"). :D

|ngenius (who suggests "Iron Maiden" for that band)
As VC said, it's good to know what kind of music you play.
Bah, who cares? Here are some suggestions anyway:

Power metal: "Glorious knights" or "Brave defenders of the true steel" or something like that

Tr00 norweigan bläkk metal: "Icefrostwintermonsters" or something in Norweigan that sounds really cool

Thrash metal: Hmm... it's harder to make fun of this genre :p

Or just: Look up some scary words that are preferably hard to pronounce. Also, be sure to make a cool logo that makes you unable to make out any letters. And get yourself a sword/axe and some armor :D
well just some names....some are stupid, some are even more stupid.... ;)
Fluffy but not puffy, Fourlegged, FrozenButt, Goattie, Underrated, Cryogenic Standards, Gender Bender, Knowlege brings fear, Binary Fur, Silence Of The Sheep, Wizzard, Out in the dark, Dark Drakness in a Dark Night under the Dark Clouds, Wheelchair's Engine, Spitting in the wind, Nowords, Dig Graver....and the one once I really used for a band...Death's Hope :)
Originally posted by FatherVic
well just some names....some are stupid, some are even more stupid.... ;)
Fluffy but not puffy, Fourlegged, FrozenButt, Goattie, Underrated, Cryogenic Standards, Gender Bender, Knowlege brings fear, Binary Fur, Silence Of The Sheep, Wizzard, Out in the dark, Dark Drakness in a Dark Night under the Dark Clouds, Wheelchair's Engine, Spitting in the wind, Nowords, Dig Graver....and the one once I really used for a band...Death's Hope :)

Purple Pals, Iron Cradle Robbers, The Bus that Couldnt Slow Down, We Play Metal, 3 Guys and a Dog, Knights of the Clown, Dark Places and Dark Women, Dark but not as Dark as Dark Places and Dark Women, Eat Milk!, Fly by Day Drive by Cows, We Suck!, or my favorite

At the Flames of Tranquillity in a Misty Children of Amarth Upon an Oaten Throne :D
A couple of suggestions from the top of my head:

1. Uncolour - Short and effective, yet strange enough.

2. Modest Rage - Slightly paradoxal, which is for good, I think.

3. Mahogany - I just like the way it sounds.

4. Sound Appear - Proge.

5. Pale Words - Dunno if this is stolen from somewhere.

Use any of them if you wish.

Some I just came up with:

<something or nothing here> Untherapy
From the blue
Off black

Don't bash me if they suck :(
Siren would know something about that...........i recognize that seal as part of her unholy army, see the pic posted by astarte is what they look like when we are all unassuming, than wham! Were all dead and working at quick-e-marts in brazil!

Final_Vision: Conspiracy Theorist...........
Originally posted by phyre

Alfred: Sure, you can play the fool. Although we're not the Fool Clubbers, I guess you could be a guest musician.
Great! I'll love it, being a Fool Clubber, I'm sure :D

@astarte: We could do far more than this: we could even give you a whole seal fur, with (as special homage just because it's you) a whole seal inside, complete with full accessories, like a real club (not mine, I'll be too busy, I'm afraid) in a fin and a printed copy of your post in the other one. No, don't thank, it's the least we could do for true fans... :)

@Siren Im sorry ;) its just so easy to pin point you, you look like a normal quiet girl, but appearances can be deceiving, thus I figured you had an unholy seal army.........maybe i was sorry :cry: