Having trouble finding a band name...

The Homoerotic Chainsaw Gutfucking Massacre Of Doom And Satanick Might

Nobody will forget you in a hurry :)
why don't you look into your local or family history and find something like children of bodom named themselves after the lake bodom murders that took place in the 60's in their home town, also when making a name, think about weather people from other countries who don't speek english will be able to easily say and remember your name, one band I can think of who broke this rule is Himinbjorg from france, pretty cool band but Ill be fucked if I can remeber how to pronounce that
Seraphim Belial said:
try looking through other languages like greek or latin.
hell, a thesaurus dictionary is also a good tool!
Good to know I'm not the only one who does that, lol.

Class of '85 said:
What about the name "Chainsawdomy"?
That's almost as bad as Anal Cunt...

Krigloch the Furious said:
read lyrics. im sure you can find a cool word
Oh hell yeah man, that's always done me justice!

Ayeka said:
The Homoerotic Chainsaw Gutfucking Massacre Of Doom And Satanick Might

Nobody will forget you in a hurry
Oh man...That is like, the epitome of black metal names!!! Using a name like that requires every member to come up with a norweigan alias that sounds retarded as hell when you say it in plain English. Oh yeah...:rock:
Hahaha...Just kidding.